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  1. 1

    iSmart 2.x merged; please use for all iSmart 2.x issues

    I haven't been asked to log in, as I am already logged in but I cannot get passed the scanner, looking for a QR code. Nevermind, I have now succeeded binding the car thanks to a YouTube video.
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    iSmart 2.x merged; please use for all iSmart 2.x issues

    This morning the ismart app is asking to bind my ZS SR 2022 and is looking for a QR code. Where will I find it? I can't get passed the scanner screen and looking at the settings page, it shows that I am logged in. I don't know if this is happening because the car had a service done yesterday...
  3. 1

    If you break down, beware!

    You might be right, but as the car was under warranty, he might had thought better mentioning it to the dealer. That would have been spotted on the next service anyway. It certainly makes you think what can happen down the years... The car companies need to make such repairs/replacements...
  4. 1

    If you break down, beware!

    I saw a video on a car that had an issue with the underside damage, not major to my eyes and because the owner did go through his insurance company instead of communicating with the car company first, it landed him with over 60000 dollar headache. This post can make you aware of the correct...
  5. 1

    MG App not working

    Took the car to my nearest dealership and the guy said that it was likely that the Ecall is the reason the app stopped working. He tried replicating the eCall error by physically shaking the computer that is associated with that feature, mimicking going over potholes and the error reappeared...
  6. 1

    Range decrease due to cold weather [merged thread]

    At £0.075 /kWh I don't mind how many miles I get during winter. Just done 68 miles round trip at 7°C on a windy and rainy day in UK, with heated seats on and the ZS SR gom shows 3.1 miles/kWh. Two full charges would yield 310 miles and would cost the grand sum of £7.52, with even better...
  7. 1

    Range decrease due to cold weather [merged thread]

    My SR ZS had 114 estimated miles left last night, with 63% battery left. Driven in Normal mode and with Auto heating and heated seats ON. Put on charge and it needed 20.2 kWh of energy to take it up to 100%. The display shows an estimated 2.2 mi/kWh. The average summer readings was 3.7.
  8. 1

    Charge Flap snapped off - ZS EV Trophy

    Disgusting and a disgrace... Time to buy a 3D printer and make your own part. Someone could make £££££ ove the next few years if he/she make the CAD drawings and sell the download for £1 each. Imagine how many cars are sold!
  9. 1

    MG App not working

    Do you mean, it disappeared from the screen? Mine disappeared from the screen seconds later. Not sure it's still in there, in the background. I can't see anywhere to look at any logs.
  10. 1

    MG App not working

    It would be good to hear from people that have had the eCall error to learn how they resolved/reset it and if the iSmart issue was resolved. I find it difficult to understand why the iSmart connection has not been resolved after so many reports over many months.
  11. 1

    MG App not working

    I have just been to the MG Dealer and I was asked to book it in as apparently because of the eCall error, it's not likely to resolve the issue by disconnecting the negative terminal from the battery. Another strange thing is, the iSmart App showed high data stream.
  12. 1

    MG App not working

    The same for me usually, but not this time.
  13. 1

    MG App not working

    I think I may know what is causing the issue with the app not synching. Maybe to do with the eCall error notification I saw while driving today. It disappeared off the central display soon after. I assume that the car uses the internal phone to connect with the MG server before relaying the...
  14. 1

    MG App not working

    As I mentioned above, the unlock/lock of the car with the key fob will usually solve the problem with the iSmart app not synching. I hope it's nothing to do with the new "charger"... I only wanted to see at what kWh did the test charge operated at and I can only see that in the iSmart, as the...
  15. 1

    MG App not working

    Has anyone had issues with the app connection to the ZS new facelift? It has been working ok until today. I have tried unlocking and locking the care with the remote keyfob but with no difference. My home "charger" just got swapped from Easee One to Ohme ePod just yesterday and discovered the...
  16. 1

    Android Auto issues

    I used the original cable that came with the phone and now is working better but have not tried all the AA features. Spotify seems to work now.
  17. 1

    Android Auto issues

    I have been having a couple of issues while on Android Auto on my ZS Trophy facelift. Sometimes I connect the USB to the phone and although the Google Map works, I lose the facility to get the DAB radio working. Today I had to restart the infotainment on the MG by holding the Home button for a...
  18. 1

    Motability swapping Easee for Ohme ePod.

    Oh, that would suit me. Not possible with my current one, so looking forward to using that feature. Not looking too much forward to the installer altering the electrics and the new holes for the ePod location, as the bricks in the porch are a bit flakey and crumbly. Even when drilling a small...
  19. 1

    Motability swapping Easee for Ohme ePod.

    What do you when you say "the extra slots"?
  20. 1

    Motability swapping Easee for Ohme ePod.

    I am on the Go tariff at the moment. Is intelligent cheaper then?
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