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  1. hewguy

    Best MG Dealer near me

    MG Bulldog at Twyford do not sell anymore, but still a service station, in Ruscombe
  2. hewguy

    Dash cam hard wire fuse

    Get an obd with a switch
  3. hewguy

    MG EHS cabin heating issue: warm air turns cold after a while

    turn off auto, keep pressing "auto" icon until it changes , just have fan constant.
  4. hewguy

    MG4 broken into

    or any tin will do, try it.
  5. hewguy

    Professional undersealing company with EV experience

    this question come up on Facebook more than a year ago, with concerns of rust underneath on a few month old car, only surface admitted, but he put Lanoguard on it, I did same, mine went in for first service in March, and MG there did not mention it, no I did not ask permission, and protecting...
  6. hewguy

    Professional undersealing company with EV experience

    In the same vane, the bodywork has 7 year warranty, when you want to polish or ceramic coat it, to protect it, do you as MG before doing so? surely, extra oily protection has got to be better than the bare nuts & bolts underneath, and steel parts not being protected, jus' sayin'.
  7. hewguy

    Professional undersealing company with EV experience

    Was this done at Marinello's near Screwfix?
  8. hewguy


    I had my 1st service , 23/3/22 car, with recall checked, it is an earth connection under the passenger carpet, possible sound insulation interferring with clamp, and maybe not, in my case.
  9. hewguy

    Professional undersealing company with EV experience

    Use Lanoguard, highly recommend it, I saw the same concerns with the nut, bolts and metal underneath, bodywork should be OK, as 7 yr warranteed but do the rest, warm it first so spray easily, it dries over a couple of days, yearly job for a while
  10. hewguy

    Updating Sat Nav

    When you first buy your car, it is in manual to go to Naviextras to update your maps, for free, this has been the case with my bprevious cars also, because of the time from manufacture, to your delivery, maps have been updated, so you can get their latest, but I do think there may be a something...
  11. hewguy

    My Solution for Rear Number Plate on MG5

    This is what my dealer put on, most pleased
  12. hewguy

    My Solution for Rear Number Plate on MG5

    A garage stuck a replacement on one of my cars, and in hot weather, it was hanging off, lucky I saw it before I lost it in the road.
  13. hewguy

    Radio Module Initialising

    I am sure it may not be everyone’s answer, but if my infotainment, ‘freezes”, hold the “home” button down constantly until it reboots itself.
  14. hewguy

    Sat Nav not picking up speed cameras

    Just an update, now I have been out and used the map with the speed camera recognition, on the M25 & M1, I forgot about at the time, and got a "beep beep", I looked for warning signs, nothing, then it went off, then again, eventually, I realised this was the camera warnings, driving me nuts, I...
  15. hewguy

    Sat Nav not picking up speed cameras

    I appreciate your concern, and it is entirely up to you, but it was made aware of on a facebook MG forum, some had downloaded it and was happy, so I did, and it works, but , I do not go over the speed limits, as I constantly use cruise control to avoid this, so if you do the same, it makes it...
  16. hewguy

    Sat Nav not picking up speed cameras

    I downloaded it because I found it was cheap, but actually, I am retired, done all the boy racer stuff, no need to rush anymore, I do not speed anyway, for years I am an avid user of ACC, even in 30mph limits, it stops me speeding accidentally , it should not matter, if your legal, then no...
  17. hewguy

    Sat Nav not picking up speed cameras

    In used my iMac, and a USB stick
  18. hewguy

    Sat Nav not picking up speed cameras

    Start with Google, it not an app
  19. hewguy

    Sat Nav not picking up speed cameras

    Go to " Naviextras", download the installer, register, get the latest, speed cameras, $1.50, =£1.29, follow instruction, the built in satnav is as good as others, carpal eye., can disconnect when it suits., give it a go, works fine for me.
  20. hewguy

    Welcome to the MG HS Plug-in Hybrid forum - MG HS PHEV Information

    Well done Cowboy for having 3 test drives, so often complaint derive from not enough "testing" to find out if it is suitable, so often the "extra tech" bemuses people, but then, do should not buy this kind of car, but you have done your homework, and aware of foibles, and may find more, no car...
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