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  1. Henri8

    So dangerous gearbox gap in acceleration.

    That is correct, from second to third gear of the E Motor the lag can be (to) long.
  2. Henri8

    So dangerous gearbox gap in acceleration.

    That is another problem Hage:) I referred to two way traffic.
  3. Henri8

    So dangerous gearbox gap in acceleration.

    Hi there again, I used to join these kind of topics until about a year ago when I concluded that nothing changes and learned to live with it….. Many posts have been written about this big and dangerous flaw, and nothing has and will be done about it! To stay safe when preparing to overtake with...
  4. Henri8

    360 animation.

    Did you try the settings knob on the lower right side of 360 View Page by pressing the 360 degree knob on your console? There you can select or deselect the trajectory lines. See page 209 of your user manual.
  5. Henri8

    Please vote for Software Update Wishlist MG HS Phev

    This quote is used by new owners to discuss their issue with gear shifting in EV mode. I posted it on May4th last year and thereafter I initiated this poll with a (software) wish-list for the future on May 21 2021 with this topic on top of the list and 80% of the 77 owners casted a vote on it! I...
  6. Henri8

    Waze lag using adroid auto in mg ehs

    FYI: I accidentally solved the Waze lag problem by installing the AA wireless device avoiding the cable connection. Waze works perfectly now.
  7. Henri8

    It is possible to set the charging start/end frame?

    You could think of buying an energy socket from ‘Home Wizard’ like I did. For reasonable prices you buy a P1 meter ‘plug in‘ with your energy meter and the energy socket to control your charging station with lots of timer options. Download the app for free. Check online, but your energy meter...
  8. Henri8

    Please vote for Software Update Wishlist MG HS Phev

    Hi Jef, Would be nice to have available, some new cars will be without rear view mirrors! But, I started this Poll a year ago and at the end of last year with around 60 voters i mailed the outcome to Van Mossel Europe and to Miles Roberts in the UK who forwarded it to the MG management. No...
  9. Henri8

    Car not charging adapter light Flashing

    Familiar happening with my granny charger when I started using it. when you insert the plug into the socket you hear the ’grinding’ sound. If after a few seconds this artificial sound comes up again the connection has failed and will not succeed. Try again by reinserting the plug and firmly keep...
  10. Henri8

    Webasto heater ? JUST INSTALLED :-)

    For first day readers of my post #81, I added some edits.....
  11. Henri8

    Webasto heater ? JUST INSTALLED :-)

    Hi Bert, Welcome to the MG club here and hope you enjoy your new car! You can always click on my avatar and send me private messages if you like.. The Heater is totally invisible and hidden behind the right bumper section as all other components except the on/off switch Yes I did and as long...
  12. Henri8

    Webasto heater ? JUST INSTALLED :-)

    And now some Webasto user tips to consider: This Webasto heater is designed to heat the cabin before departure only and not really for use during EV driving in a hybrid car. However it is allowed to use the heater while driving and with certain actions it functions well. In order to change...
  13. Henri8

    Webasto heater ? JUST INSTALLED :-)

    Hallo Gandalf, think you are also referring to me maybe?, Henri8, as I was the one who installed a Webasto heater here in the Netherlands last January. Chatted with Jabo a lot to exchange info which helped a lot(y) I left the country for two months and are now using it with pleasure and have the...
  14. Henri8


    ICE and heater radiator circulation system and look at ’Webasto heater, just installed’ by JABO in Denmark ??‍♂️
  15. Henri8


    If you are willing to invest an extra (approx) £2000 by installing a Webasto fuelheater, you will be able to drive in EV all year without the ICE kicking in. For more info on that look for Webasto on this forum… I also installed it shortly and I will give my findings in due time…
  16. Henri8

    The car is always start in AUTO mode and not remember EV

    Well, this seems to be the case. I always charge the car overnight so it could also be a certain time frame?
  17. Henri8

    The car is always start in AUTO mode and not remember EV

    When I park my MG in the EV mode and all parameters are the same when pressing the start button again, EV (green light bar) remains active. After a battery charge however a reset to Auto Hybrid takes place.
  18. Henri8

    Waze lag using adroid auto in mg ehs

    The fact is, as stated before, that the Waze voice commands exactly follow the position of the car while the screen lags behind, increasing with time. To me this rules out GPS problems.
  19. Henri8

    Waze lag using adroid auto in mg ehs

    Exactly the same problem here! I gave up and successfully use Google Maps
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