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  1. Jake

    Archived ALL ITEMS have now been taken.

    Sorry I should have removed this ad. All items have gone. Kind regards
  2. Jake

    Archived ALL TAKEN

    Yes it is
  3. Jake

    Archived ALL TAKEN

    Yes they are both still available.
  4. Jake

    Archived ALL ITEMS have now been taken.

    Thanks for the response. The problem is how to package it so no damage occurs in transit. I haven't got suitable materials like a tube which is what I think it originally came in. I will have a scratch around and see if I can find a suitable container.
  5. Jake

    Archived ALL ITEMS have now been taken.

    Rubber mat for boot space unmarked Car shades for rear windows and boot in carry bag. FREE to collector from Newhaven, East Sussex area
  6. Jake

    Archived ALL TAKEN

    That's great will speak to you then.
  7. Jake

    Archived ALL TAKEN

    Sounds good. I don't do Paypal. Can you just do a direct transfer?
  8. Jake

    Archived ALL TAKEN

    That would be very helpful if you could. Thanks. There is almost always someone at home so any day would suit.
  9. Jake

    Archived ALL TAKEN

    I will find out the cost of postage but would prefer collection as I am not very mobile at the moment.
  10. Jake

    Archived ALL TAKEN

    Yes it is the official MG spare kit with jack, tools etc in pre-formed foam within the wheel recess.
  11. Jake

    Archived ALL TAKEN

    Used boot liner but unmarked - TAKEN Used for 2 weeks to try - Car shades for rear doors in protective carry bag - TAKEN
  12. Jake

    MG ZS EV Auto Clover wind deflectors are back in stock 6th May 22.

    I have an unused set of genuine Auto Clover wind deflectors still in box available to anyone willing to collect from Newhaven area.
  13. Jake

    Everyone is allowed to ask a stupid question so here’s mine

    The only stupid question is the one that doesn't get asked.
  14. Jake

    What do you think of BP Pulse Subscription?

    I have had a BP (ex Polar) subscription for the last 5 years and have very rarely saved the monthly cost in reduced pence/kWh charges. I used to plan all my long distance journeys around BP recharge sites, usually Holiday Inns because they are easy to find and many of them had a rapid charger...
  15. Jake

    Cold Weather Regen Reduced

    Yes I have noticed a reduction in Regen during cooler days. Bit annoying having to use the brake pedal. Had almost forgotten where it was lol.
  16. Jake

    Insurance confusion

    I'm with Churchill and they cover both cars for the handover/swap day.
  17. Jake

    Brutal acceleration…….

    I agree. We have my ZS for tip trips, 2x4 lengths of timber from the woodyard etc. and comfortable long distance cruising. My wife has a Mini Cooper e for out and out fun and boy racer performance. My son has a Honda e with high tech toys which is used on an almost daily round trip commute of...
  18. Jake

    Fully Charged?

    Yes we are probably of similar age and I want some of what he's on. Lol
  19. Jake

    Fully Charged?

    I'd be up for that. Im always looking for an excuse to travel long distance in my ZS. I just about managed the Farnborough round trip of 160 miles without a stop to recharge. I had 25 miles remaining on the GOM so comfortably within range. Even travelling early morning with ambient around 14...
  20. Jake

    Fully Charged?

    Yes I was at the show for the whole weekend after eventually arriving by bus. I gave up trying to get into the car park with the surrounding roads totally gridlocked on Friday morning so diverted to my hotel in Aldershot and got the bus in by which time the roads had miraculously cleared. The...
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