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  1. Jake

    Footy trip From Southampton to Newcastle

    It does seem crazy to be installing double head chargers that can only charge 1 car at time but I do believe Gridserve are planning to improve this in the near future. They seem to be concentrating on upgrading the old ecotricity units first and then looking at parking bays to suit the double...
  2. Jake

    B’ham to Maidstone - 184miles (M1) in the ZS - and then return - any recommendations?

    Great report Cocijo thanks for that. It shows how planning and bit of research beforehand can make all the difference to help reduce any anxiety to the absolute minimum. You were brave taking the M25 clockwise route to M1 from Kent. I admire you for that. I hate getting caught in 5 lanes of...
  3. Jake

    4p/mile - Cheap Motoring

    Like you I'm not on a special limited/low rate electricity tariff but economy 7 which my total use averages 50/50 split night/day variable rates meaning about 15-16p/kWh. This time of year with average 4.5mkWh means ~ 3.5p/mile but Winter will be more like 4+p/mile so we are both similar. As an...
  4. Jake

    B’ham to Maidstone - 184miles (M1) in the ZS - and then return - any recommendations?

    Your figures suggest a reasonable trip and typically what I would aim for on that route:- Couple of hours driving / 100+ miles with ~ 19-20kWh top-up then finish slower part of journey with another couple of hours and have enough range (88 miles) left to find suitable recharge points at your...
  5. Jake

    B’ham to Maidstone - 184miles (M1) in the ZS - and then return - any recommendations?

    I never bother with the car display. The modern Chargers, especially Gridserve, Shell, Instavolt etc. give me enough information to decide when to move on. Glad Beaconsfield was of use to you. Welcome to the M25 "car park" round to Kent. Sometimes lucky, sometimes not. Heathrow, M4, M3, A3 is...
  6. Jake

    Window rain wind deflectors

    Direct from Autoclover delivered next day for free at £29.99 Well packaged and feel top quality. Complete with fitting kit and instructions. Excellent value product.
  7. Jake

    Gridserve serving up a treat!

    I had my best charge rate at Rugby Moto services which are brand new and a dedicated EV charge area with 6 or 8 double head Gridserve 350kW units. It was my 2nd Rapid charge of the day after a further 108 miles down to 23% the charge rate built up to 50kW at 40%SoC. It then slowly dropped to...
  8. Jake

    B’ham to Maidstone - 184miles (M1) in the ZS - and then return - any recommendations?

    Yes I have used MK Coachway several times in the last couple of years and often found I have been the only one charging. It's very futuristic looking with 8 BP units arranged in a triangle under 3 huge mushroom type covers. I have heard it can be dominated by a local commercial company though...
  9. Jake

    Using chargers on private premises

    I have used Polar rapid chargers at Holiday Inns several times. Just report your car details to reception and I've been offered a free coffee while I wait on more than one occasion. If I'm not a guest at any hotel I always report to reception but quite a few say no need or ask how long I'll be...
  10. Jake

    B’ham to Maidstone - 184miles (M1) in the ZS - and then return - any recommendations?

    You're welcome. I forgot to say have a good trip and let us know how you get on.
  11. Jake

    B’ham to Maidstone - 184miles (M1) in the ZS - and then return - any recommendations?

    Sorry can't help with hotels as I don't actually live there, just travel through/around Maidstone. North of Maidstone, Jn 7 of M20 there is an M&S services with 3 x BP 50kW and if you're using your Tesla there 6 x Tesla units. Haven't used those devices yet but I gather they are fairly new and I...
  12. Jake

    B’ham to Maidstone - 184miles (M1) in the ZS - and then return - any recommendations?

    Hi Cocijo. I have travelled both routes recently from/to midlands. Gridserve have recently updated old ecotricity units at Beaconsfield services ( end of M40 Jn2 ) and Cobham services ( M25 ) which maybe a useful, easily reached first top-up point which should then see you okay to Maidstone...
  13. Jake

    Home charging

    In 5 years of EV motoring I had never used a granny charger until a couple of weeks ago. Just as well I tried it because the one that came with my ZS would not lock into the charge socket. Took it back to the dealer and they tried on 3 other EVs with the same result. They said it would be...
  14. Jake

    Home charging

    Yes a second EV entitles another grant for a second wall charger. I just had to prove I still had the first EV and that the second EV was not a replacement but an addition. Two is the limit for claiming a grant.
  15. Jake


    My GOM reads the same regardless of the accumulated trip being reset or not. Like Kithmo 163 in summer and shorter as the temperature falls. I have done several long distance, multiple charge journeys and found the GOM to be very accurate but I plan recharges on predetermined stops based on...
  16. Jake

    Do you ‘coast’ in your EV? Is it just a complete waste of time and energy or a useful option?

    When on a descent by feathering the throttle to keep the power indicator at 0% is that not equivalent to coasting yet maintaining full control?
  17. Jake

    Meet other MG EV owners at the EVs in the Park event in Coventry this Saturday 17th July

    I also notice in the rules - No handbrake turns or Wheelies permitted either!
  18. Jake

    Meet other MG EV owners at the EVs in the Park event in Coventry this Saturday 17th July

    Good option if you really do need to get away early but defeats the object of EVs in the park if everybody turned up on foot.
  19. Jake

    Meet other MG EV owners at the EVs in the Park event in Coventry this Saturday 17th July

    You could look at like that. I only just noticed on the reminder email I received this morning. For those travelling any distance that could be important. I'm staying overnight Friday so arrival before 11.00 is no problem but I was planning to start home (180+miles) before the finish time. I...
  20. Jake

    Meet other MG EV owners at the EVs in the Park event in Coventry this Saturday 17th July

    Be aware if you are attending that you must arrive before 11.00am and there will be no exit before 16.00pm.
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