Search results

  1. Jake

    Shark fin aerial on ZS EV in India

    Cars I've had in recent years with the shorter style antennas have lost DAB reception momentarily in 4 or 5 places on local roads I use regularly. Since having the MG ZS EV with the older style longer antenna I don't lose reception in any of those places. Height isn't a problem so I'm keeping...
  2. Jake

    Why RFID cards?

    Hi Simon. The dark side is very much brighter than you imagine. Yes I agree it all seems crazy having to have different RFIDs and apps but from last year the government insisted all new charge installations should be accessible by contactless so things will get more like buying petrol has been...
  3. Jake

    Acronyms are confusing

    I hate TLAs
  4. Jake

    Getting the MG ZS EV soon- I have a few questions ready...

    Granny charger - standard sized plug I assume as others have indicated I've but never used. BMS and updates/recalls. - It's a new car supplied by a reputable dealer. iPhone - USB plug in charge and CarPlay no problem. Key fob - I've always put the key fob in my pocket and its stayed there...
  5. Jake

    Electric or hybrid?

    Low mileage. London location. Research local free charge points to top up whilst shopping. Why bother with petrol and needing a mechanic to change the oil once a year. Maybe that was his interest?
  6. Jake

    A small survey about your use of your MG ZS EV and/or an ICE vehicle

    I'm on my 2nd EV (MG ZS EV) and will never go back to ICE. Had a non-pluggable Hybrid in 2001 for 10+ years which convinced me electric was the future. Last year I converted my wife and son who both will never return to ICE.
  7. Jake

    Haven't bought one...yet

    Hi Fish. I understand the principles about balancing the grid but how on earth do you cope with all the changes in cost of the Agile tariff. It means trying to plan your heavy usage at short notice and is it worth the effort to have a third party controlling your life? I considered the Go tariff...
  8. Jake

    Cold weather range test completed today...on my driving it’s really very good.

    Yes Mark but that is what I'm saying on a long journey you need to balance number of stops against how long you spend at each stop. If it's a meal break stop then yes charge for as long as practical. If it's pee and a coffee break then up to 80% is the optimum. But also remember what Stuart...
  9. Jake

    Haven't bought one...yet

    Welcome. I can thoroughly recommend an MG ZS EV as your first leap to EV driving. Your budget of £20k is not far short of new prices being offered still by some dealers so shop around. The Exclusive is the one to go for if you can stretch to it. Unless you do a huge mileage I wouldn't worry too...
  10. Jake

    Cold weather range test completed today...on my driving it’s really very good.

    I guess Autotrader performance figures are using 80% of the full capacity to calculate a realistic usable capacity on an extended journey when multiple Rapid charges are needed.
  11. Jake

    Cold weather range test completed today...on my driving it’s really very good.

    Yes my apologies the figure was taken off Autotrader details and not MG. I can't find where MG state a usable figure. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks.
  12. Jake

    Cold weather range test completed today...on my driving it’s really very good.

    But MG state the usable battery capacity is 35.6kWh
  13. Jake

    MG5 compared with the ZS EV

    In 1974 I bought a Sunbeam Tiger (V8 4.2 litre Ford powered) for the princely sum of £600. I had it for 5 or 6 years and sold it for £600 which I was over the moon about. A fully restored example today would be worth ????????
  14. Jake


    Hi Barold that's good advice from Mark. For what it's worth in addition I have subscribed to Polar (now Pulse) for 4 years and monitor my costs each month which average 14p/kWh and includes a mix of Rapid, Free and the monthly £7.85 subscription. I find the convenience of having the RFID to...
  15. Jake

    Manual Control of the Power Seats

    You beat me to it. My thoughts exactly.
  16. Jake

    First long journey

    Oops sorry guys. Wrong forum. Please enjoy your MG 5 as we do our ZS.
  17. Jake

    First long journey

    If you've managed 55mpg from a Jazz and with your frame of mind already in 'eco' mode you're well on the way to achieving good results from the MG ZS EV. I'm sure you will love it as we do and if it's your first EV then you will be wondering why you didn't make the leap sooner. Enjoy it's a...
  18. Jake

    MG EVs Podcast Monday 11th January 2021 @ 7:30pm UTC

    Great discussion chaps thank you. You touched on rapid charger etiquette which I think is becoming more and more important now there are a significant number of EVs and increasing rapidly. 4 years ago I could almost guarantee turning up at a mid-journey charge point and find it unoccupied. Today...
  19. Jake

    Is a ZS EV facelift imminent?

    Just checked the small print further down the offer and it says for purchases between Jan 1 and March 2021 so must be latest offer?
  20. Jake

    Is a ZS EV facelift imminent?

    Yes I reckon it must be old marketing information from 2019 when facts were not clear as almost all other dealers link to the same official marketing page when you enquire about offers and not to this page. Hendy Crawley is not shown on Stuart's dealer map so are they official MG dealers?
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