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  1. Exdro

    Hive EO mini 3 & MG4 charging issues

    I have had problems with EO charger since February when EO withdrew all software support, rendering my EO monitor charger obsolete.? Their offer of fitting a new charger at 28% discount is risible. If you want to write off the charger of nearly £1200.00 cost after three years, by all means buy...
  2. Exdro

    Boot permanently unlocked.

    An experiment which I’ll try not to repeat?
  3. Exdro

    Boot permanently unlocked.

    Your keys are still close enough to be able to open the boot.
  4. Exdro

    Boot permanently unlocked.

    My wife ‘s coat was in the car with her keys in it and I could not lock the car using the door handle although I could with my keys. Took us three days to find that out. Therefore it would appear impossible to lock keys in the car unless there is another set outside. Hope that makes sense.
  5. Exdro

    ZS EV Manual Acronyms

    Tx: Thanks Tx.: Prescribe.??
  6. Exdro

    ZS EV Manual Acronyms

    Well done for that effort. It has left me none the wiser but considerably better informed.? Still don’t understand what most of them mean or do but at least know what the acronyms stand for.Tx.
  7. Exdro

    UK domestic socket charging

    Just about to go down that route, but wondered if anyone else was in the same position. Would have a stronger case if several people had the same problem.
  8. Exdro


    If you are looking for a story, please read the one star reviews of EO chargers. Happy to give further info if required. Trustpilot reviews.
  9. Exdro

    UK domestic socket charging

    I have had to use the granny charger since February when my EO charger failed. Granny takes a long time 18-36 hours depending on starting and finishing charge. PLEASE if anyone has a failed EO charger let me know as I feel that if we raise a class action against them that they might actually...
  10. Exdro

    Adaptive Cruise Control and regenerative braking question

    Just to reiterate, nothing is breaking with ACC. Brakes are applied electronically with no regeneration but nothing is broken or even breaking.
  11. Exdro

    Adaptive Cruise Control and regenerative braking question

    Not an issue with brake pads. Very rarely need to use brakes as KERS will slow to a near crawl. Advise to use heavy braking occasionally to remove any corrosion from discs. Lack of regen on ACC is annoying and is present on MG3 but unfortunately not on ZS.
  12. Exdro

    Circular reasoning (Rolfe's solar energy system)

    Buy a home charger BUT avoid EO like the plague. Most useless unhelpful company I’ve ever dealt with and their products fail with no repair possible. Guarantee doesn’t cover it. Avoid. The way I worked it out in a simple manner using easy figures. System costing £15k gives about £1.5k...
  13. Exdro

    Mg zs ev edging forward with autohold on

    I didn’t think they were around in 2004!
  14. Exdro

    All new cars now have to have speed limiters

    Why would you want to have the accident rate. Far better to halve it?. Don’t you just love predictive text?
  15. Exdro

    Circular reasoning (Rolfe's solar energy system)

    Sorry for delay in answering. The V2L lead was provided by MG UK as smal compensation for my car being investigated for some time for a faulty noisy wheel bearing. (Diagnosed by AA. Car was off road for three weeks. Came back with no noisy bearing saying that garage could not find anything...
  16. Exdro

    Circular reasoning (Rolfe's solar energy system)

    Sorry, not looking for V2G. Considering V2H. But as yet this is not supported. I’ll do a lot more research before making any commitment. By all accounts Octopus seems to be the go to company. Tx for your input.
  17. Exdro

    Circular reasoning (Rolfe's solar energy system)

    Tx for info. Food for thought. I’ll have a look at Zappi. Not doing anything at present til Ombudsman completes case and makes recommendations.
  18. Exdro

    Circular reasoning (Rolfe's solar energy system)

    Thinking of going for a Pod Point 3s. Which distributes solar charging and is also V2G ready.
  19. Exdro

    Circular reasoning (Rolfe's solar energy system)

    Interesting that your dispute is with EDF. So is mine. I purchased the EO charger from EDF who say that I should pursue EO who are blaming juucenet. Been offered new unit at 23% discount. My contention is that a charger should not be “obsolete” (the term used by them) with no repairable parts...
  20. Exdro

    Circular reasoning (Rolfe's solar energy system)

    I’m still in discussions regarding my EO charger which has not worked since Enel X/juucenet withdrew their software support in Feb. Currently this is with The Energy Ombudsman. I will keep you posted. Like many on this forum I have an EV, Solar Panels, 5kWh battery and a heat pump. What nobody...
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