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  1. amdmad

    Rear lights condensing on MG4 SE

    It happens on vehicles costing 5 times the price of an MG..
  2. amdmad

    V2L adapter included?

    We was looking at an electric barbie,but the are so expensive...
  3. amdmad

    Charging whilst inside the car?

    Don't have a box just, just installed AAAD,then installed Fermata Auto . Works OK for time being,only half screen with other half screen the map . My s21 is plugged in .
  4. amdmad

    Charging whilst inside the car?

    I watch YouTube videos on the cars screen..
  5. amdmad

    WhatCar Winter Range Test

    Same as Carwows flawed tests,they do motorway speeds,but when they have a low battery warning they drive round carparks at slow speeds for hours ???
  6. amdmad

    Campervans using charge points

    I'm sure Pod point and Tesco will have a way to enforce compliance,the chargers are for Electric vehicles only...
  7. amdmad

    Software improvement opportunities!

    I've been on a 30mph road,the MG sees a side road 20mph sign,so starts flashing the warning sign. I wonder what's going to happen in a few years when cars won't allow users to go over speed limits??
  8. amdmad

    MG4 12Volt battery not charging

    Happened on our Leaf24, 2 years into ownership, new 12v battery all was well.
  9. amdmad

    For those looking to collect their MG4 this week…

    We buy any car , offer this ???
  10. amdmad

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    It would help if the vehicle on the drivers display would change colour to Amber,like it does on my Brothers Citroën E-C4
  11. amdmad

    Impressed with MG4 Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB)

    Mine just did emergency brake going through village we was travelling below 10mph nothing in front of us,car just slammed on brakes??
  12. amdmad

    Mg4 v leaf v mini which is the Best Buy

    Did you not want to go 60KWH Leaf???
  13. amdmad

    MG4 on TV tonight (09/02/2023)

    3 petrol cars on a EV show ??? I'm out...
  14. amdmad

    "Current energy consumption trends" graph always blank

    Driver nodding off. No bongs just the coffee cup and triangle.
  15. amdmad

    "Current energy consumption trends" graph always blank

    No data on my Trophy. Got this through rush hour.
  16. amdmad

    Should I go MG4 Trophy?

    Mine drives like a German car, as in, it doesn't use indicators? Boom Boom....
  17. amdmad

    MG4 Range

    Warmer weather on the horizon..
  18. amdmad

    My MG4 Trophy is Dangerous. And other Rants

    Adaptive cruise is OK,its the other cars on motorway that's the problem. If cars moved to the left when overtaking at a safe distance and notjust cut in, my MG wouldn't brake as much.
  19. amdmad

    MG app MG4

    Mine connected at 8am to pre heat.
  20. amdmad

    MG app MG4

    Just wish there was a scheduled pre-heat,like on Nissans app..
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