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  1. amdmad

    V2L Test. 7kW output...

    Do I need to buy a special kettle when using the discharge adapters , and do I need a RCD extension lead for when we go camping,as some campsites charge extra for electricity?
  2. amdmad

    MG4 Equalisation Charge

    Charged mine to 100% still had a bit of regen on drive to work.
  3. amdmad

    Real World Energy Consumption

    Or should be Medium Range ???
  4. amdmad

    Real World Energy Consumption

    Long Range Trophy
  5. amdmad

    Real World Energy Consumption

    Better than mine ???
  6. amdmad

    Hah! My first public charge

    I don't have a problem with apps, as some can offer cheaper charging,than using contactless.
  7. amdmad

    Hah! My first public charge

    I thought the suppling dealers would go through all the joys of charging out and about??
  8. amdmad

    ORA Cat V MG4 SE LR

    They need to replace that guy,with some one less jokey,he still thinks Mazda was a good Ev??
  9. amdmad

    Vehicle Clock / Time Wrong

    Never had to do that in Nissan ?
  10. amdmad

    i-smart app service unavailable

    Except the app is years behind Nissans.
  11. amdmad

    Charging Cables

    It was a tethered DC charger at Lidl,they are for Zoe's ,my cable is only 7 kW tempted on the 32A tesla cable,but Wife would kill me,not many 22kW untethered chargers about. Just wanted to see if my Trophy had 11kW
  12. amdmad

    Charging Cables

    I got a Trophy it charged this fast on a type 2 ac charger.
  13. amdmad

    Active Grille Shutters

    Helps with speed cameras I suppose??I ?
  14. amdmad

    Active Grille Shutters

    Somebody's painted on your numberplate also?
  15. amdmad

    Does anyone actually use regen mode 1?

    I use lv1 it gives me enough regen going down hill coasting on the straights to the stop lights on my way to work.
  16. amdmad

    MG4 Range

    It's a shame that the app doesn't remember any journeys the car drives,like the Nissan Leaf
  17. amdmad

    MG4 Lane keep assist

    Mines been off from day 1
  18. amdmad

    Road anger and aggressive overtaking

    That's what it feels like,a dab of the brakes?
  19. amdmad

    Road anger and aggressive overtaking

    Do my stop lights illuminate when I'm on the motorway and I'm in cruise control? Have it set to lv1.
  20. amdmad

    Sitting in car whilst charging

    That's what we do, shutdown plug-in
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