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  1. amdmad

    Pod Point Charge Rate

  2. amdmad

    Pod Point Charge Rate

    I see a Phev use the Tesco charger, has they pickup their children when school finishes,its a good parking spot next to School,after 15 mins it goes off??
  3. amdmad

    Pod Point Charge Rate

    It's at the Whiterose centre all bays occupied. I'm on a post with a Tesla Y..
  4. amdmad

    Pod Point Charge Rate

    I'm on a pod point 7Kw is their a reason I'm only pulling this??
  5. amdmad

    Muting the radio

    Doesn't work for my Trophy
  6. amdmad

    MG4 Range

    My estimate this morning?
  7. amdmad

    11kw 3 phase charging ion UK Trophy

    My LR Trophy, I put it on a tethered 22Kw Rapid
  8. amdmad

    Vehicle hotspot, is there a Data limit?

    Will the hot spot turn on by default evrytime the car is turned on?
  9. amdmad

    I smart app

    Mine says my name?? Or is it something else?
  10. amdmad

    I smart app

    So can letters not be used ??
  11. amdmad

    New trophy auto brake switches off

    Ours stayed on when we was driving ,I was showing the wife that the slider goes from on to off by itself,when suddenly it stayed on ? We was driving forward at the time ?
  12. amdmad

    MG4 likes and dislikes We agree

    This is on the cable
  13. amdmad

    Infotainment screen

    Mine's set to Auto, at night it's still on the light screen,during the day it switches between light and dark theme ??
  14. amdmad

    Looking at an ev to replace my petrol fiesta

    Are they not just a Plump Fiesta ???
  15. amdmad

    New trophy auto brake switches off

    On mine it would not stay enabled,slide the toggle switch to the right it would immediately go back to the left. After a week of ownership, tried again it now works. Don't know if they did an OtA update?
  16. amdmad

    MG4 likes and dislikes We agree

    The car has this,is it 7Kw or 11Kw ??
  17. amdmad

    MG4 likes and dislikes We agree

    Only 1% it was really to test the cable?
  18. amdmad

    MG4 likes and dislikes We agree

    It kept fluctuating from 2kw to 6 kw
  19. amdmad

    Couple of questions after dealer visit

    Happy with my Orange
  20. amdmad

    MG4 likes and dislikes We agree

    So I put it on a rapid AC charger.
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