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  1. Willie

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    after crashing into a police van you would expect quite a considerable damage to occur, in the picture there is no signs of damage.
  2. Willie

    MG ZS EV auto tailgate

    Good to see you got it sorted out. Just a pity MG doesn't offer this installation
  3. Willie

    MG ZS EV auto tailgate

    who did you buy it from, I bought mine from an-car at aliexpress.
  4. Willie

    MG ZS EV auto tailgate

    Hi cdr. try disconnecting the wire and see if that solves the problem.
  5. Willie

    MG ZS EV auto tailgate

    Hi CDR, your'e instructions seem to be different to mine, and as I quoted before they are very ambiguous, I had the same problem at that stage of the wiring and I had to text the supplier. I'm glad you figured it out and everything is working. You will find it a great asset as I did
  6. Willie

    MG ZS EV auto tailgate

    What part of the wiring are you trying to connect
  7. Willie

    Driving with charge port open

    Got the Tshirt
  8. Willie

    Zappi Charger

    I've just had a Myenergi Zappi charger installed in my garage but I'm finding it difficult to locate an energy supplier to give me off-peak rates, I'm currently with OVO, both them and Octopus say that they will be including more types of ev's and chargers to their current list, but they never...
  9. Willie

    Steering column

    I have a71 plate zs. I've found that if you hold the steering wheel with both hands and not turning the wheel but put pressure to the left then right it makes a clicking sound, which I believe is coming from the column height adjustment lock, the same sound I get sometimes when going round corners
  10. Willie

    High pitch sound around 50mph

    I've got a 71plate zs, my one whines when I take the foot off the accelerator then disappears when I apply the power. It has done since new, its the gear train idling, nothing to worry about
  11. Willie

    Speed Limit Sign Recognition

    It's a twenty mile an hour when lights are flashing as you're approaching the school
  12. Willie

    Car mat mount lost locking ‘pin’

    No their different, I think I have some spare somewhere, the dealer posted them to me in a sealed plastic bag of four for me to fit them by myself. I'll try and post a photo when I find them
  13. Willie

    Car mat mount lost locking ‘pin’

    I had the same problem, my dealer supplied me with replacement ones
  14. Willie

    Reversing camera

    Hi Jordipal, what make of MG have you got, where did you find the socket for the camera
  15. Willie

    Steering problem

    Some times when I press the start button on my zs mk1 the steering wheel gives quite a severe kick, I wonder if this has any bearing on the steering failure reported above. Universal joints are a pretty robust piece of equipment and should not fail on such a light load of a steering column.
  16. Willie

    MG ZS EV auto tailgate

    Hi Tim, if you go on to Ali express (an car) site and type in auto-tailgate, it will show a list of various car types. give them your car make and model, they will then get back to you asking for more information
  17. Willie

    MG ZS EV auto tailgate

    Hi Lovemyev, the cost was almost £400 from Ali express (an car). the the most difficult part was installing the cables through the headlining, especially threading them through the rubber conduits at the tailgate hinges, to ease the passage through the conduits I used washing-up liquid to...
  18. Willie

    MG ZS EV auto tailgate

    Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, with other commitments like house rewiring and the terrible march weather I eventually got round to taking a video of the auto-lift tailgate in operation
  19. Willie

    MG ZS EV auto tailgate

    Many thanks for the info
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