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  1. Willie

    Problem with forward facing camera

    Is your car garaged at night
  2. Willie

    MG ZS EV IN IRELAND ....... How is it going?

    You can get them at Ali-Express
  3. Willie

    MG ZS EV IN IRELAND ....... How is it going?

    I had the same problem with the rain dripping in. I fitted wind deflectors and they alleviated the problem somewhat.
  4. Willie

    Ancestral connection

    the two aMiGos
  5. Willie

    where is the charging breathing light??? zsev 2019 and other stupid questions

    The breathing light is at the mg badge on the front grille, it just pulses when charging, the mg zs ev always defaults to normal when switched off, no great deal to flick it to eco when you start.
  6. Willie

    auto-lift tailgate

    Some months back someone was going to buy an auto-lift from Aliexpress and fit it themselves. I would very much like to know how they got on
  7. Willie

    RE: Buying MK1 Exclusive

    I agree, the roof bars are an added expense you could do well without and the sunroof in my experience is sometimes a source of leaks
  8. Willie

    RE: Buying MK1 Exclusive

    That's a shame, I drive a 71plate MK1 Excite and really love it, the only regret I have that it doesn't have a reversing camera
  9. Willie

    The cheek of MG Eastcote.

    What's that to do with it
  10. Willie

    The cheek of MG Eastcote.

    As stated on the on the V5C registered 20/10/2021. ZS Excite EV
  11. Willie

    The cheek of MG Eastcote.

    I bought an ex-demonstrator 71 plate excite with less than 600 miles on the clock and just six months old for £24k. I also got the 1st service free plus a type2 cable in carrier bag and also Supagard paint protection applied.
  12. Willie

    The cheek of MG Eastcote.

    That seems to be an awfully high price for a 71plate ex demo especially with 4000 miles on the clock
  13. Willie

    Front fog lights

    My word they look very nice
  14. Willie

    Secret engineering mode menu. What do the settings mean?

    If you go to youtube and type in mg zs ev secret menu
  15. Willie

    GPS Speed limit indicators

    A long press on the OK button will get rid of the flashing sign, a further long press will take it back again
  16. Willie

    Secret engineering mode menu. What do the settings mean?

    I downloaded a translating app to my I-phone, and once gaining access to the engineering screen I took some photos of them and the app then translated what you see in my reply. Albeit I wouldn't trust it to make any changes to the system. It was a fun exercise.
  17. Willie

    Granny charger charge rates

    A quick rule of thumb 4amp =1KW
  18. Willie

    No jack

    I agree, I always use axle stands
  19. Willie

    No jack

    I know you don't need a jack use the sealant/compressor, I'll just have to use my trolley jack to replace disk pads etc
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