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  1. Henri8

    Mg EHS problems

    I do not know if there is a funniest thread contest, but this one certainly is my pick?
  2. Henri8

    Please vote for Software Update Wishlist MG HS Phev

    Hi Dragonfly! Did you read my thread ‘Urban Hybrid Managment’? There you will find more thoughts about this issue. In my voting subjects I am very limited in text space and have to make a general short phrase. That is why I used ‘Urban speeds’ because, indeed these speeds differ in regions...
  3. Henri8

    Blind Spot Warning lights (BLIS)

    Did you vote in he poll for this same subject?
  4. Henri8

    Please vote for Software Update Wishlist MG HS Phev

    Whoops... to much long drinks...
  5. Henri8

    Please vote for Software Update Wishlist MG HS Phev

    I rather have Chipped Ice in my long drink ?
  6. Henri8

    Please vote for Software Update Wishlist MG HS Phev

    Thanks! Hope it works in the long run? I made a mistake already trying to edit a vote. Now it is presented twice.... ( EV selection ) I will not count it twice ;-)
  7. Henri8

    Please vote for Software Update Wishlist MG HS Phev

    MG HS Plug-in Hybrid Software Update Wishlist Poll More and more (future) owners are finding this medium to gather and give information about the pro's and con's of this very nice vehicle. Several improvements to this product are, in my view, necessary and possible due to the software options...
  8. Henri8

    Urban Hybrid Management

    Could this difference in pre calculated range, as presented on the information cluster which is a fixed value irrespective of outside temperature, be related to the average regional temperatures. In fact Tropical Thailand 67, Australia 63 and Europe 52 etc? As I indicated earlier, in my...
  9. Henri8

    do we need battery balancing?

    Apart from your figures which are in miles, the fact is that with a fully charged battery you always are presented with the same range. 52 km in my case. The real range improves from about 10 degr OAT and decreases in colder circumstances. So, the presented range is so to speak never correct.
  10. Henri8

    Blind Spot Warning lights (BLIS)

    Welcome to the PHEV group Lars
  11. Henri8

    Blind Spot Warning lights (BLIS)

    This message above from Gelf is very much another issue. In daytime these lights, which are important for safety reasons, are practically not visible. Another wish list item that I had
  12. Henri8

    Gear shifting in EV mode, Warning

    Hallo Gelf, Join the party! It is not a matter if this problem exists anymore, but how MG is going to fix it! Please do so as I did at the Amsterdam branche. Groet, Henri
  13. Henri8

    Gear shifting in EV mode, Warning

    In my experience the ‘slight stall’ is a ‘huge stall’ when you accelerate with more than 80% power in the EV mode. In the hybrid mode motor gear shifting happens earlier, around 40kph, and the second at 80, third at 120. ( 4 gears ) In EV mode only the big shift at 80 from around 9000rpm to...
  14. Henri8

    To phev or not to phev - well to phev is the answer for me

    On this page you can see all trip figures. I took this picture yesterday just before having my first fueling event after 1300km and more than two month of ownership! I added 25 liters You have to realize that I mainly drive in the EV mode up and down to my golf game twice a week which is exactly...
  15. Henri8

    Battery charge control

    No save option according to the manual and I guess this is because this option is quite uneconomical and only to be used rarely. I found out that when your battery is totally empty the EDU (motor) is still fully operational directly from the DC/DC charger from the ICE (engine). So you always...
  16. Henri8

    To phev or not to phev - well to phev is the answer for me

    Welcome to the party John! A quick decision after a long discussion About the Granny charger, a full load from empty takes about 6,5 to 7 hours. 8 km (5mi) per hour. For me this is acceptable up til now during these times of low activity. A new day with a full load.
  17. Henri8

    Gear shifting in EV-mode

    Quoted your issue to the original thread. Gear shifting in EV mode, Warning!
  18. Henri8

    Gear shifting in EV mode, Warning

    I saw now that you created a second thread about gear shifting in EV mode so I quoted it back to the original one. They can say it is normal, but it is not normal at all when you try to overtake traffic on a dual road! It is dangerous if you are not aware of this issue beforehand. I also have...
  19. Henri8

    Front distance / parking sensor warnings

    Hi Nudg, Welcome to the Plug-ins! You understand that I started to doubt myself after stating the opposite above. Indeed, the UK specs and the manual in English prove your observation. However, the Dutch version ( and most probably the Continental ) has 4 front sensors and they work fine and in...
  20. Henri8

    Gear shifting in EV mode, Warning

    Thanks for signing in on this issue and ask your dealer to confirm that a software update is planned at what date by MG!
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