Search results

  1. JimB

    Fisker Ocean

    Can't help hearing the song about the King's new suit of clothes when I look at videos of this (but by no means an unknown phenomena in the ev world) but nevertheless I don't half fancy one! And being built in Austria, apparently. Even the bottom of the range sport model might achieve a...
  2. JimB

    Why Is My Car So Expensive?.....

    .....8.00pm Channel 4 Monday 15/08, presented by Ginny Buckley. Some thought provoking stuff. Sb available on the player.
  3. JimB

    Pity 'our' facelift MG 5 doesn't look a bit more like this......

  4. JimB

    Topical Use for your New Tow Bar

  5. JimB

    VW ID Buzz

    Worth remortgaging the house for?
  6. JimB

    Which is Greener - Electric or ICE?

    May be of interest;
  7. JimB

    Ora Cherry Cat

    Ready to pop your Cherry? Looks a bit like an Outlander at first sight. Don't tell the neighbours what it's called though;
  8. JimB

    Rear sensors with tow bar and / bike carrier

    I've carried out a search without result so apologies if the answer is already on here somewhere. Despite the fact that our pair of electric bikes haven't been on the £600 worth of tow bar I had fitted to the Outlander solely for that purpose 6 years ago I've started thinking about in relation...
  9. JimB

    MG iSmart Video

  10. JimB

    All Season Tyre Tests

    May be of interest..
  11. JimB

    Battery Degradation Curves and Care Information.

    Found this in an Outlander phev thread and whilst the list of cars doesn't include MG some forum members may find the information useful.
  12. JimB

    Mustn't Grumble ?

    I've thoroughly enjoyed driving a Mitsu Outlander phev for the last 6 years but now in the process of going bev and was initially attracted to the apparent value of MG ev cars but a lot of the comments on the forum relating to issues with them led me to believe that the cars were low quality...
  13. JimB

    £750 Voucher?
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