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  1. W

    Air Con

    Good Morning, It's not very often I use Air Con - I live in Scotland. The weather has been smashing lately so I have had it on a few times however I've noticed that if I turn the fan down it switches off but if I keep it running to a maximum blast it stays on. My question is, is this normal that...
  2. W

    Cold weather & Projected Range

    I got my 2020 MG ZS last year so I've been through a winter. I'm new to home charging and today my car showed 100% charged but only 110 miles ??. Bizarrely once I had travelled around 20 miles the car showed 129. I've noticed the last couple of days it's been happening. I'm in central Scotland...
  3. W

    Heated seats

    I put my 20 plate heated seat on yesterday for the first time in a while and although it did give off some heat it didn't feel as warm as it used to. Anyone else had problems? Any idea of what to look out for or is it a call to the dealer straight off. Thanks
  4. W

    Speed assist

    My speed assist mode keeps jumping back to off position does anyone know why? Tia.
  5. W

    Pay per mile

    Morning all, I read an article that the government are considering how to tax ev owners moving forward. One of the suggestions was a pay per mile scheme. Has anyone else read any articles on what the future is likely to be for ev owners once incentives are gone.
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    Checking charge whilst connected.

    Is it possible to check how much % charge you have added whilst still charging or do you have to disconnect. Is it also possible to heat car whilst charging to save on range? ZS 2020
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    I will kick my own arse once I know this but can't work out the meaning of SOM please someone put me out of my misery.
  8. W

    Home charger feedback

    Hi, I'm just starting to look into home chargers and wondered which ones you would all recommend. Did you buy one type then wished you had opted for another, which functions are important to you? Any advice appreciated. I'm in Scotland, I have a 20 plate zs and I'm on a crappy electricity tariff...
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    Voltage & Battery balance

    Morning, So I've been ready through these threads to educate myself, still new to this game. I'm reading a lot about balancing the battery and not too clear on how/when/why you do this the more I read the more confused I am. Also interested to know what the voltage should read when fully...
  10. W

    MG zs ev

    Hi, Just picked up my 20 plate zs ev on Saturday and I can't say I'm impressed with the heater. I know its winter and I'm in Scotland but its been mild recently. There is more hot air coming from the vents when the blower isn't active. When you put the blower on the temp is much cooler this...
  11. W

    Regen dash display

    Good morning. I have just joined this group having picked up an zs ev 20 plate yesterday. My question is when I did a test drive im sure the high voltage battery had a display showing how much regen braking had generated. I cant seem to see that now. Apologies if I am making no sense. Can...
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