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  1. hequals4

    Archived V2L - Vehicle To Load - Cable Adapter

    When I was waiting for my MG4 I bought a V2L cable but then I went and cancelled my MG4 order so the cable is now up for sale. It's the same as this one on Amazon It's £94 on Amazon inc p&p. You can also sometimes find it on Ebay for £89 (old ad : MG ZS MG5 MG4 EV 2022+ V2L - Vehicle To Load -...
  2. hequals4

    0% SoC

    Has anyone driven their MG4 down to 0% SoC yet? Or seen a review where this is done? Obviously it's not something you really want to be doing but it'd be interesting to know how the car handles that. Does it have any spare miles in 'reserve' or is zero on the GoM really zero? I know that...
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