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  1. kelloggs

    CarPlay dongle data linked through car WiFi?

    Been thinking but haven’t seen this anywhere. I’ve got a WiFi dongle working with my iPhone for CarPlay and it works fine apart from having to unplug and re plug to connect to car. Once the iPhone is connected to the dongle WiFi does the data pass from the MG built in data connection WiFi data...
  2. kelloggs

    Mg4 trophy refused to drive off

    Strange one happened to me yesterday. I got in the car as usual. The screen lit up etc as usual . Put it in drive , no movement. Checked and there were no lights on the drive rotary knob. I put it in park ,tried reverse and drive, nothing. I went to the car settings screen and hit the shutdown...
  3. kelloggs

    Front auto grille opening

    Hi. I noticed today that the front grill on my trophy was open while sat locked in the drive. It’s usually closed s o I’m wondering if it’s stuck. Does anyone know what the control criteria are for opening and closing. Eg ambient or battery temperature?
  4. kelloggs

    Speed limit assistance system

    does anyone know if the mg4 has the intelligent speed assistance system actually working. The manual states on p 212-213.. 1 Intelligent: Intelligent speed limit. The vehicle detects the speed limit sign (such as ) at the roadside with the front view camera, and intervenes the speed control to...
  5. kelloggs

    New trophy auto brake switches off

    Hi, I picked up the orange trophy on Thursday,swapping my iD3 for it. Really pleased but I’m a little baffled by the auto handbrake switching off. The “anti-creep” setting keeps switching off . The slider to select that setting slides back to off. Then after trying a few times it worked. Got...
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