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  1. tonybridge

    A positive charging story!

    Hi all Had a great trip back home today, from Worcester to Maidenhead, along the A46 and M40. We have family in Worcester, so have done this several times over the past 14 months since we’ve had the MG4. One of the family has a home charger, so the usual pattern is to zip up the M40, sticking...
  2. tonybridge

    Charging at AppleGreen stations, Warwick Services

    Arrived this afternoon at Warwick South Services to top up for the final 70 miles to home. 20 Tesla stations all ful - round the corner, 16 AppleGreens for us poor people, completely empty :unsure: So, plugged in, faffed about with the touch screen (almost unreadable in the strong winter sun)...
  3. tonybridge

    Small update to iSmart app

    (iSmart - what a misnomer!) This morning, I wanted to warm up the car a bit, and noticed that now, when you switch the HVAC on, you only get one message 'HVAC on, will switch off in 10 minutes' (paraphrased) - you used to get the first 'HVAC ON' message, then press OK, then wait for the '10...
  4. tonybridge

    The MacMaster strikes again 🙄

    Is there no end to this man’s stupidity? I apologise for bringing this up, I don’t normally watch him, but something about this video caught my attention … and i wasted 15 minutes of my life watching this garbage 😡
  5. tonybridge

    Heating/Aircon Screen - how to disable?

    Is there a way to disable or work around the normal behaviour of the screen when switching on the Aircon? By default, the Aircon adjustment screen appears when you press the Aircon button - which normally is fine: but if I'm using the Google Maps Navigation from my phone via CarPlay, I then have...
  6. tonybridge

    Driving to Cornwall

    I’m driving to Cornwall on Friday, from Maidenhead, in Berkshire in my Trophy LR, which I’ll charge up to 100% before leaving home. So, about 4 hours, via either the M4/M5, or M3/A303 to Exeter, then A38 to Plymouth, and on to Looe. Does anyone have any hints/tips to share about charging points...
  7. tonybridge

    Applegreen Chargers at Warwick

    Last November, returning from a family wedding in Worcester, I called in at the Warwick Services on the southbound M40 for a quick top-up for my 4LR. This was my first-ever attempt at public charging. The two (count them!) chargers that I was heading for were of course occupied. I hadn't done my...
  8. tonybridge

    Door light from AliExpress

    This seemed a good idea at the time of impulsive purchase! Does anyone have an idea of how to install/is it worth bothering with?
  9. tonybridge

    EV plonker hogging ICE stations

    Us EV drivers complain a lot (rightly) about ICEs parking on an EV charger bay - today I saw the other side of the coin when an EV driver nonchalantly parked his car (an MG5) at a petrol pump before going to grab a coffee at Greggs. Plenty of off-pump parking bays available. What an idiot! I...
  10. tonybridge

    One Pedal Driving, how to use?

    After a couple of weeks with my MG4, I love the Regen braking - the High setting really slows the car when I take my foot off the accelerator do the brake lights come on?), and I use the brake pedal gently for the last couple of feet, then a hard press on the brake to activate AutoHold. How...
  11. tonybridge

    Things I love (or don’t) about my new MG4 – very subjective!

    1 week old and 300 miles - some initial thoughts: GREAT 1 The lovely ‘Whoosh’ as the car accelerates! And instant torque, wow... 2 The looks: The front 100/100 The sides 95/100 The rear: 90/100 but love the red streaky lights on the rear spoiler! (just s a shame that you can't actually see them...
  12. tonybridge

    Interesting Antipodean video

    Forgive me if everybody has already seen this Australian-weighted video! This guy isn't afraid of the occasional salty language, and says some interesting things, e.g., Recycling of Batteries (at around 47 minutes), and LKA (around 53 minutes)
  13. tonybridge

    Brake Caliper Covers?

    I love the orange brake calipers on the new XPower, but discovered this evening that they are in fact covers. I’ve just ordered a Trophy in Camden Grey and would love green calipers - i’ve looked online for a source of green covers, to no avail. Does anyone know of a source?
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