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  1. securespark

    First Wash In Three Months

    As some of you know, I smashed my ankle in on 23 November. Yesterday, I finally was able to wash it, albeit with not as much attention as I would have liked, as I could not grovel on the driveway! It was f-f-f-f-f-f filthy! One dirty side. I should have taken a shot of the rump as that was...
  2. securespark

    Squeaky Bum Time!

    Dropping youngest lad back to Uni. Only a local trip, but we were low on juice. This is the lowest we have dared to go. Got back with this remaining: Excuse the shaking .... Funnily enough, there were no changes to the audio warnings to charge, nor any urgency. Never seen the green go amber...
  3. securespark

    Old Map Book From My Grandad

    He gave me this in 1985, along with his AlfaSud 1.3. In 1985, the best quote I could get was in excess of £4000 from the AA (I think). So my Grandad pulled a few strings with his insurance company and paid the first year's insurance, but sadly the 'sud proved far too expensive for a 20 year old...
  4. securespark

    Slamming On (Again)

    Mrs S has been gadding about while I've been holed up in the hospital. Heartless bugger. She even went out to one of our regular scofferies without me. Anyhow, she had another slam-on scare where His Lordship jammed on the anchors as he thought she was going to crash into some parked cars she...
  5. securespark

    Makeshift Ambo!

    Went on an overnight trip to Lancashire to help parents in law empty their static. Got home fully loaded on Friday, but realised we needed some juice to get home from Warrington. So we went to BP in Birchwood. The forecourt was painted with very smooth paint and it had been raining. As I took...
  6. securespark

    Reliable Lead For Android Auto

    I understand the USB A socket is the one to use for Android Auto, and I have tried several now that have failed to work. Can someone please provide a link for a lead that they can confirm works? I'm going loopy!
  7. securespark

    Charging During The Day

    Have been using an Ohme Home Pro at home very successfully on Octopus Go. Recently, I have been advised to make changes in the app so that the system decides when to charge. All good so far. Until this morning, when I realised I had forgotten to charge the car overnight. Previously, we have...
  8. securespark

    Not Noticed This Before

    Has anyone else? I've used fast chargers before, but this hasn't come up.
  9. securespark

    Shell Recharge

    Used this today in Cheltenham, a machine boasting "UP TO 175kW". Charged from 36 to 97%. Didn't see any prices on the machine or the screen. After we unplugged, I checked our account and there were two payments taken, the first one for £45.00 and the second for £35.48. I guess the first...
  10. securespark

    Next Car?

    We are a year in to our three year lease, and I'm keeping an eye on what might be available in two years. Despite the Which? article dissing LK, I quite like our MG4. We knew the boot was small when we test drove it and I thought we could get by with it, but for the next car, I'd like a bigger...
  11. securespark

    New HS

    Based on a Roewe RX5 with the possibility of an EV model, but I don't know if that's for the UK market. Anyone know any more?
  12. securespark

    Car Registration Numbers

    I can remember all my previous registration numbers. The oldest car I owned was a 1975 Beetle. None of them contained a Z (which prior to the current reg system could have only appeared on Ireland registered cars). None of the cars I have owned have had an X in the reg. I didn't ever own a car...
  13. securespark

    MG Paint Colours

    I've always wondered where the inspiration came for the modern MG colour palette. My Mum said her Dad had an Austin in BRG (the old colour, solid green). I know Austin and MG were not related. This was later reinvented in the 80s by ARG who brought out their metallic take on the old colour...
  14. securespark

    Grrrrr! [stone chips]

    Not sure how you're getting along with dinks, chips and scratches. We picked up out first stone chip on the leading edge of the bonnet (?). It's always frustrated me how manufacturers use a light undercoat. Our previous car was black with a white undercoat so every little thing showed up.
  15. securespark

    Ohme - The Not So Intelligent Charger

    I put our 4 on charge last night and it charged fine, but when I opened the Ohme app, it was asking me to log in. I thought it had updated the app and logged out, so I logged in. It knew there was an email address attached to that charger, and asked me for the password. No worries, it logged me...
  16. securespark

    ADAS And Warranties

    This is an odd title because the two topics are not related, but I didn't feel it warranted (no pun intended!) raising two threads for them. There is a good article in February's What Car? about ADAS and Euro NCAP's plans to increase the amount of tech available in future cars. Lane support...
  17. securespark

    Using Zap Map And Zap Pay For The First Time

    Had a search around and could not find the answer. If this is in the wrong place, can a mod please move it for me? Thanks. I am off to Bangor, Wales. Couple of hundred miles. Should in theory be doable, but don't want any squeaky bum time! The hotel we're stopping at does not have a charging...
  18. securespark


    that MGs India website has a header of "100 years", but not on the UK site. I realise it's not quite '24 yet, but nevertheless, I would have expected a showing.
  19. securespark

    Car Theft

    Does anyone know anyone who has had their 4 stolen? Not a 4, but a resident near me had a car with keyless nicked and there was talk of "should have used a Faraday box". Do they really work and if so, which would you buy?
  20. securespark

    Odd Thing Today

    Where the "fuel gauge" read 91% at the start of the day. The car did a short journey of 3.5 miles and it still read 91%. Then we did the first 5.5 miles of a journey on a high speed A road and Mway. It was only then (after 9 miles) that the level dropped to 90%. Normally, it drops more...
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