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  1. Blu

    A Space Saver Tyre is a must!

    Last Sunday, at 5:15am while on my way to pick up a friend - (we were both playing golf), I was about 2ks from his place when my front driver's side tyre blew. Result; a 5mm hole in the sidewall a goo kit would have been useless! And at that time/day, roadside assist and a replacement tyre would...
  2. Blu

    To go Extended range - To XR or not XR.

    OK, I'm heading to the dealership soon, my  MG6 is almost at 100,000ks. Im a 99% city driver, my longest trips are 150k (95miles) round trips 4 times a month to play Golf. Otherwise daily 20- 30ks once or twice a year I can do a trip to see family 900k (560m) each way. On my home I have a 6.5 kW...
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