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  1. P

    Colour paint

    Hi everyone! Anyone here, know where I can buy a car repair paint kit for the MG Marvel R Luxury; the colour is beton grey. I have some little scratchs that I need to repair. I look In a lot of plataforms like AliExpress, Amazon.. and I cant find the "beton grey". Thanks in advance.
  2. P


    Hi all! In the last few days I have been having problems with the mg ismart application, the application does not connect with my car. I think the problem is that I extend my plan [1024 MB] (?) Can we get "pay" other plan then 1024 MB? My car give the information that "less than 10% of traffic...
  3. P

    Problems with AC

    I bougth a brand new MG Marvel R Luxury however i don't know how to use AC. I think i have some problem on software. I have last update R24. Someone else have same problems? Thx in advance
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