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  1. Mikel14

    I smart app issues

    Trying to remotely switch the heating on with Ismart and this warning is coming up and won't let me cancel it to switch it on. Anyone else having this issue?
  2. Mikel14

    Rear brake callipers

    Has anyone found a problem with rear break callipers sticking on and pitting on the brake disks. Only had the car just over a month, 500 miles on the clock.
  3. Mikel14

    Ismart problems

    Hi, anyone had this happening with the ismart connection? I've cleared the cache on my phone and restarted it, but still keeps coming up with the error.
  4. Mikel14

    On start up engine firing up?

    Had the mg3 hybrid for just over a week, first few days press the start button and puts the car into electric mode, last couple of days press the start and the engine is powering on? Plenty of charge in the battery on the screen info. Anyone had similar experiences?
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