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  1. jodrell

    Zappi shows "Charging delayed"

    I'm currently trying to figure out a charging it's between my MyEnergi Zappi and my 2024 MG4 Extended Range I previously had a Nissan leaf that had no issues. I've got Solar panels and a house battery fitted. The Zappi is running in Eco+ mode meaning that once the house battery is charged, if...
  2. jodrell

    Factory Reset, no Infotainment system??

    Hey all, I picked up my 9 month old MG4 Extended Range and drove it 90 miles home yesterday...listening to podcasts from my plugged in phone all the way. When I got home and unplugged my phone I noticed that the radio wasn't working. I dug about looking for a way to set the DAB to rescan and...
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