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  1. BarryH

    Breaking News MG4 Prices Slashed!

    New car and even used car prices have been rising ridiculously these past couple of years and chip shortages etc and stalled production have filed the fire. MG has seemed to be a disrupter in all this along with Tesla bringing to the European market including UK boatloads of shiny new EVs...
  2. BarryH

    Touch-up Paint 2 part Kit Instructions?

    Touch up kit from main dealer seemed a good idea to touch up a couple of stone chips on an otherwise unmarked Dynamic Red ZS. Two parts to the kit and each bottle covered in what I thought would be instructions until I got home and found nothing more on bottles or packaging than multilingual...
  3. BarryH

    Government Grant AXED

    Just had a call from the dealer where I was supposed to be having an extended test drive of New ZS tomorrow to say that they came in this morning to find mail that the Government £2,500 grant has been cut with immediate effect! Has anyone else heard this and what does this do for your plans to...
  4. BarryH

    Who is your MG WARRENTY backed by and is it transferable?

    Is your Warranty with your Dealer or MG Motors Ltd? Is it worth the paper it is written on? My daughter and I both own and drive MG ZS EVs. While I bought mine ZS New locally she bought her car preregistered from a Chorley Group dealer 250 miles from where we live. I have had my annual service...
  5. BarryH

    Archived Anti-Reflective Screen Protector - Head Unit?

    Has anyone found a source for Anti Reflective Screen Protectors for the ZS EV Head Unit? There is probably something on AliBarBar or something but I don't want to set up an account with them just for that. It doesn't really have to cover the exact shape, although that would be nice, but just...
  6. BarryH

    How come India has i-Smart EV 2.0 and UK has i-Dumb-EV?

    Checking out India's version of our favourite EV the ZS and you find they have a much more connected Infotainment system Follow this link to the brochure and ask yourself HOW COME?
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