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  1. J

    2020 MG ZS EV Air Con failures

    For a while now, I'm having problems withe the Air Con: you want to demist the windows, so you turn on the air conditioning - just blowing air in, and a couple of minutes later it stops. You turn it off and back on , an the same happens. It's very frustrating, and dangerous if you are driving...
  2. J

    Dash CAM install powered from Radar/Camera Box

    I have recently found a dash Camera Kit for the MG ZS EV which neatly powers directly from the radar/camera box on the windscreen, just where the mirror is: There are not many...
  3. J

    MG ZS Aux Battery getting depleted

    Hi I have had my MG ZS EV Exclusive since Dec 2019, and more than once I have found the Aux Battery ( 12V) fully depleted while parked in my driveway I've noticed that in less than a week ( some times 3-4 days) the voltage ( I have a bluetooth meter attached to the battery) goes as low as 12V...
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