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    ZS EV second service costs M62 corridor?

    What's the going rate for ZS EV second service (normal not low mileage) ? Some dealer websites suggest the brake fluid change & pollen filter change is extra ? Others say it's included...? ??‍♂️ Anyone got any info please? It will go somewhere along M62 corridor but prices from anywhere UK...
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    ZS ev vacuum pump uses....

    Interesting comment from a service desk "agent" that the vacuum system on an MG ZS EV "does more than just the brakes you know" ... Like what? ??
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    Washer jet adjustment

    Anyone adjusted their MK1 ZS front washer jets? Any tips? Nothing I can see in the manual or a forum search for "washer jets" ??‍♂️ TIA
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    ZS EV in bits on eBay... Is this the bloke who did the tear down mentioned on here a while back? They appear to be having difficulty recouping their investment by the look of their "completed listings"...
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    Is this correct?

    EV quiz on ... Click false & you lose Click true & you get told... Is it only us that throttle back a rapid for the last 10/15% ?
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    Bonnet are crowdfunding?!? ?

    Email today from our chums at Bonnet announcing they are attempting to crowd fund? ???‍♂️ Why would you ? Hmmm someone has... "Bonnet The most user-friendly way to charge your car anywhere Total funding: £4,920,000 Last funding: 02/03/2022 Funding rounds: 4"
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    Mk1 rear view mirror/sensor camera housing...

    Anyone had it off? If so how ? Ta
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    ZS EV locking nuts on eBay? Or are they? Found these whilst idly browsing eBay... The MG Rover card set me back a bit & then the rust! Shurely can't be ZS EV ?
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    Auto wipers - do anyone's work properly?

    My auto wipers drive me nuts, to the point where it's the most annoying thing about the car. Intermittent "auto" mode is frankly crap or there's something wrong with mine (& a demo car I tried at another dealer). Usually they just stop wiping as you drive along, in the rain, until you are...
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    Anyone used the AA for car insurance in last few years?

    As per title. They appear to be cheap enough to try & play ball with but I'm aware there are assorted dirty tricks in this market...
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    Temperature display....only 19degC ?!?

    My exterior temp display is trying to tell me that it's 19deg C outside... Multiple weather apps tell me it should be & it bloody feels like around 25degC.... ? Kwolity...
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    Bonnet app codes have sneakily acquired expiry dates....

    As per title. Bonnet alerted me this a.m. to a "25% off next charge" automatically applied.. Went to their app & noticed they've slyly added short expiry dates to most of the free charge promos in my stash! Barstewards!
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    Bonnet foot in door?....

    Just had an email from Bonnet (can't be just me) advising of changes to terms & conditions, a main one being they now can change tariffs, cancel offers etc "3. Variations to the Agreement or Prices 3.1. We may vary any of the terms of your...
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    ZS EV first year service cost....?

    Starting to shop around for a first year service on my mark 1 ZS EV... I'm at 3500 miles... Service due next month say.. Any one got recent cost/service experiences to throw in the pot for consideration? In reality it can go anywhere M62 corridor or thereabouts but I (& maybe others?) would be...
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    New ZS EV supplied with wrong mats.....

    Hi everyone, I bought a new ZS EV 2 weeks ago & was disappointed to notice the incorrect floor mats have been fitted as part of the "protection pack". The mats I've been "given" appear to be for a manual ICE ZS, they don't fit around the clutch foot rest & don't have the "ZS EV" embroidery on...
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