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  1. Whiskery

    ISmart App reverted to previous version

    Good morning MG-ers, I have just upgraded my phone to a Galaxy S24 Ultra (from a S21 Ultra) and the app has reverted to the previous version. Whilst it is working fine, as I liked the new version, is there a way to force it to update? Thanks, Andrew
  2. Whiskery

    Wow, I miss the MG!

    I took my SR TC in to the bodyshop last Saturday as I was on the receiving end of a relatively minor bump in a McDonalds car park a while ago. I was stationery and powered down and a careless Volvo driver tried to maneuver into the space next to me and dented my bumper and pushed it out of...
  3. Whiskery

    Intelligent Octopus

    I'm not sure if any other member is on this tariff so, to satisfy the geekiness in me I have signed up for Intelligent Octopus. I am already on their Go tariff. I received an email with the instructions on what to download to my phone and as I speak it is doing a test connection through my...
  4. Whiskery

    Rear passenger door not opening

    Morning all, Having sorted out a couple of queries with this new SR Connect with the knowledge of you guys, I have found an issue with the rear nearside passenger door not opening from inside. I know about the pull-release-pull technique but the door won't open after stopping. It doesn't make...
  5. Whiskery

    Scheduled Charging

    Hi all, Following on from my satnav issue which has been solved after following advice here (:)), I am having trouble setting up the scheduled charging. There is nothing in the pdf manual about scheduled charging. I have an Ohme Pro wall charger (which was installed months before I got the...
  6. Whiskery

    Collected new ZS Connect but satnav is freezing

    Morning all, I collected a new Black Trophy Connect SR from the boys in Chorley at the tail end of last week. Drove it back to Swansea and using ABRP made one 20 minute stop to charge at a rapid in Ludlow. No problems at all. Arrived home with 23% remaining. Great! I am finding the car...
  7. Whiskery

    Motability drop Long Range from the scheme

    Had a webchat with Motability this morning as I spotted that they have removed the LR from their list. Only SR now available with reasonable advance payments. Not sure why though, but interesting nonetheless.
  8. Whiskery

    Public Charging - what do you do?

    Just wondering guys, with all the different charging stations with different suppliers, do you have accounts at many or all? I guess this is a question mainly for folks that don't (yet) have a home charger. I know it doesn't cost anything to register but maybe you just use the chargers on a...
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