So after all the issues Ive had now my heating system has packed up in my 2021 mg5 just blowing out freezing cold air.
Was towed in to the garage Friday afternoon so I could activate the hire car from mg assistance due to not been able to de steam the windows correctly
Upon speaking to the...
Hi all
Just like to know how everyone's experience with mg customer service has been because I can quite say they have been shocking with us.
So as you know by previous post I have this excessive vibration through the cabin at 50mph which has been going on for a while and been messed around...
Hi all posted on here a while back that I was having issues and still unfortunately unable to pin point the issue
When I get the car up to 50mph and stick my toe down the whole cabin vibrates (sounds daft but if my leg is up against the centre console you can see My whole leg wobble like jelly...
Hoping you guys can help I'm having a fair bit of trouble lately with my mg5 going to the dealer tomorrow.
1st issue is I have found a oil substance in the bottom of my boot ( have checked the tyre sludge bottle and it's completely clean.
2nd issue I was travelling up to Stafford tonight and...
Hi all
After some advice on changing the mg5 alloys to aftermarket ones and some questions
. What would be the best size to upgrade to
.Any particular brand I should look at
. Will I see any difference in performance and battery %
I was personally looking to change end of this year but...
Hi all just a thought I'd share my journey for the week and today on a full 100% charge even though I followed threw on a few occasions it has gave me great confidence that I can really push the car to its limits.
Covered roughly 40 miles in the week with around 82% left then departed to...
Hi all just a quick one and might of been asked but do you have to get your Aircon re gassed as your would in a petrol or diesel car.
Can't find any info anywhere and help would be appreciated.
Normally have it done at the two year point and it's now two years old .
So it's Friday and I thought the best way we can all spend it is posting up our lovely mg cars.
The ev press might be negative but we on here are certainly not.
Hi all hope all is well
Just wanted to get everyone's views on the values of ev car's taking a beating of late
Do we think they will recover ?
Is this the start of a massive earthquake in the value of Car's from the an all time high?
If on pcp are finance company's prepared for the hit and...
Hi all having issues with my infotainment screen keeps cutting out on andriod auto and completely shuts down when driving .... but there is light at the end of the tunnel spoke to mg technical today and there is now a update avialbule so if anyone is having the same issue I'd look at getting...
Hi all hope is well so I've decided to take the plunge today and try out eon's new ev drive tarrif I'm doing a test run for a month and will post my findings how I go so here is a low down on the costs and what it involves and what I'm doing to try cut costs.
Previous eon tarrif
Hi all unfortunately while washing the car today my wiper blade snapped must of been a brittle clip for it to snap so easy caught it with the wash mit but there is a issue.
Everywebsite ie euro car parts Halfords etc state there is no parts I currently have bosch flat blades on.
But I did...
Hi all I will be just about to re install my roof bars in the coming mo ths for the summer holiday and I own the evo thule areo roof bars.
I have enclosed the parts list if anyone requires this for future help
As you've all probably saw in the news lately ev car's just seem to be taking a battering in the press.
Dealers Stating a slump in sales , some have put bans on
What's everyone's thoughts do you think it will blow over ? In my opinion yes but would like other's thoughts
For sale are my changing cables that I will no longer need as I will be cancelling my mg order.
They are brand new and just taken out the box and the packaging removed.
I paid 110 for them so looking for the nearest offer
Hi all as you have probably all seen my ugly face cropping up on the shipping updates and constantly moaning about my mgzs ev order.....
I've been Shopping around tonight and have noticed that zen auto have some mg5 estate ev 4-6 week delivery available and been honist giving the shower of...
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