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  1. Julian Edwards

    Laughable insurance quote from SAGA

    EVs have gained a reputation for being expensive to insure. Some are, but then the X Power is a high performance car as are many BEVs. I would expect a high premium for a Ferrari or Porsche and this car is in the same performance league. My MG5 is ample for my performance needs and costs £300...
  2. Julian Edwards

    Spotlights for MG5 facelift

    I have been trying different settings, the blind spot is quite significant. I do wonder if MG use more than one supplier of headlights. Some owners seem very happy others don't.
  3. Julian Edwards

    Spotlights for MG5 facelift

    Thanks, I will have to employ someone to walk in front with a torch.
  4. Julian Edwards

    Spotlights for MG5 facelift

    Yes indeed, I need something pointing down and to the side
  5. Julian Edwards

    Spotlights for MG5 facelift

    Thanks for this information.
  6. Julian Edwards

    Spotlights for MG5 facelift

    MG5 facelift 24 plate. I would like to fit spotlights and wondered if anyone has found a supplier for suitable lights. The headlights don't give good coverage when turning in dark lanes and I don't think just making them brighter is the answer. I have seen adverts for spotlights to fit the the...
  7. Julian Edwards

    Charging losses

    Thanks, now I will dig deeper, but accept that there will be losses.
  8. Julian Edwards

    Charging losses

    I recently upgraded my MG5 from a 22 plate to a 24 plate FL. Now I have the app I have noticed that when charging with a 10 amp that should be pulling 2.3 kW at least, the app tells me it is charging at 1.6 kW. Surely there is not a 25% efficiency loss, or is there?
  9. Julian Edwards

    Life after the MG5

    I was in the same position, but eventually decided that getting another MG5 for £19,500 was too good to turn down. The EV3 was great on paper but too small in the back compared to the MG. Chinese is no longer a bad word for cars, just like Škoda, once a joke but no longer. In another two years...
  10. Julian Edwards

    Checklist for first time buyer MG5 UK

    Yes indeed, one of the last to be made.
  11. Julian Edwards

    Checklist for first time buyer MG5 UK

    I have yesterday handed back my three year old MG5 with 40,000 miles and no battery degredation. Plenty of 100,000 mile examples used as taxis. Battery issues are simply scare mungering based on early EVs before cooling and battery management. My car was charged to 100% almost every day.
  12. Julian Edwards

    First year stats

    Is that normal for the MG4, the efficiency of the MG5, at least mine has been averaging 4.2 in the summer and 3.6 in the winter. As the 4 is designed as an EV I would have expected it to be more efficient, not less. I had been considering upgrading from the 5 to a 4 next year.
  13. Julian Edwards

    Off grid solar car charging

    Presumably you also had a solar charge controller. I would be tempted to add a few more panels as the bulk of the system is in place.
  14. Julian Edwards

    MG5 pre FL Battery Heating

    It's never worked for me.
  15. Julian Edwards

    7kW portable charger

    I have three of these, make sure that they have 16amp commando type plugs and not the UK 13amp. The UK plugs will overheat if you exceed 10amp.
  16. Julian Edwards

    Advice about buying granny cable

    I have purchased several from Amazon, don't know if they operate in Greece. In addition I carry a 25 meter heavy duty extension lead, must be a heavy duty one rated at continuous 16 amps. Cost for both about £200.
  17. Julian Edwards

    E scooter in Aberystwyth

    Why not get her an electric bike and keep her legal? If stopped on a scooter then it will be confiscated. An ebike will do the same job and probably cheaper as a cheap escooter is not worth having.
  18. Julian Edwards

    Don’t you just love the guessometer?

    Yes, my MG5 varies by the same small amount. My Volvo V70 ICE car varies by a much greater percentage, as have all my previous combustion engine cars. Okay it would be great if my MG had the 400 mile range of my Volvo, but I find the range prediction on the EV quite reliable. When my MG lease...
  19. Julian Edwards

    Charging etiquette- someone unplugged me!

    I believe the charger will release once it switches off. Had the car still been charging then the cable would have been locked in place. I would be totally happy for someone else to use a rapid charger once I had finished and if I was not there then it was my fault to be still hogging the bay...
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