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  1. kiwi

    MG4 not charging

    Note that Pod Point say that they do participate in peak shaving with at least BG subs. This means that when there is a high demand for electricity nationwide and wholesale prices spike they can reduce EV charging even if your house supply is still on. On top of that there is the scheduled...
  2. kiwi

    MG4 not charging

    I guess then it is like ripple controlled water heating, when the wholesale price of electricity is high suppliers on thin margins need to cut supply to avoid making a loss. You can do that with non essential loads like charging or hot water. I would think it would be just for an hour or so.
  3. kiwi

    MG4 not charging

    I live in New Zealand so no idea about that charging chain but my experience so far is that certain charging machine types (not necessarily related to the operator) have their own bugs. It’s not always the fault of the MG4. From time to time some machines fail. Did you try another charging bay...
  4. kiwi


    Same here as Ian, I want fresh air. I do go to re-circ when stuck behind a smelly truck or before using the wiper spray as I don’t like the smell of the water additive. Normally no issues with misting. In extreme cases the demist button might be needed for a few minutes.
  5. kiwi

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    @the happy bunny Agree, there is much to be learned from the whole thread.
  6. kiwi

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    One of the reasons this thread is long is that people are trying to solve their own issue and diluting the discovery process. A long thread is not necessarily bad, reading the thread is education in itself. Not being aware of the trial and error process that is advancing the knowledge base...
  7. kiwi

    Help in fog

    You don’t have to disable it completely. There is a wee switch on the left hand stalk, slide to the left and it sets lights to manual, the display briefly says something like “automatic lights off”.
  8. kiwi

    MG4 in Australia

    Honestly? It’s in the A/C screen. Icon looks like the image on the left, tap it until it changes to the image on the right:
  9. kiwi

    MG4 in Australia

    Normal? Yes. Convenient? No.
  10. kiwi

    MG4 in Australia

    Search for the spare wheel thread here for the answers.
  11. kiwi

    Loss of cruise control and collision warning

    According to OfW48, Ofcom allows what the industry calls E Band microwave links in the range 71-76 GHz see: Automotive radars usually work on 77 GHz. I suspect there is a E Band link...
  12. kiwi

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    The need for new looms would torpedo easy upgrades through module additions.
  13. kiwi

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I wonder if MG fulfil their open source software disclosure obligations? Maybe, they could have the honour of becoming the host of the first open source community developed car platform? Be an interesting problem for regulators, how to deal with user community developed car operating systems...
  14. kiwi

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I never use the SATNAV, instead using Apple CarPlay and Google Maps. The difference is chalk and cheese. Once you experience the live congestion indications provided by Google, it hard to go back to a static map. However, I would very much like the AM radio band if any trips across a setting...
  15. kiwi

    Travel in NZ without our beloved MG4

    NZ MG owner here. Plenty of MG4 in the North Island, mainly in the big cities. Plenty of high power chargers, especially along the main State Highway 1 (SH1). However, in more rural areas and in the South Island they (chargers >100kW) are few and far between. Enjoy your trip.
  16. kiwi

    Disconnecting communications link with external computers

    Is disabling via the normal user-accessible infotainment settings not good enough?
  17. kiwi

    Driver monitoring by MG and others

    Already exorcised. Apart from privacy all those “unused” apps suck power with their parasitic data collection and updates.
  18. kiwi

    Driver monitoring by MG and others

    Actually no Google, I use Apple. I do my best to limit Apple, Google, and Microsoft tracking. My home network has a bunch of blocks on as many known advertising surveillance things as I can. I also don’t use evil Facebook and I closed my Twitter account when they become X. The only tick tock I...
  19. kiwi

    Driver monitoring by MG and others

    In this Australian news item, driver monitoring and sometimes tracking is discussed: Cars are data-harvesting machines. These brands share your personal information The same topic has featured in other media but with less detail on which brand does what. The MG4 has a feature to disable the...
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