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  1. tonybridge

    New MG4 owner - newbie tips

    If you have Solar panels, the Home Mini will also show your feed-back to the grid 😁
  2. tonybridge

    Squeaky Bum Time!

    Crikey, my teeth are tingling reading all these less-than-5% posts 😳 I get nervous when I get to 20% 🤣 Seriously, I don’t get why you would run so low?
  3. tonybridge

    Looking forward to MG4 Trophy ER coming Thursday

    'Splash and Dash' whenever you can!
  4. tonybridge

    Best / most efficient regen braking setting?

    I use Regen 3 all the time, can't be faffed to keep changing it :-D But I like ReintjeWA's suggestion of using A on motorways - I like the AAC, but not the way the MG4 drives like a 15-year-old!
  5. tonybridge

    MG4 EV speed limit issue

    ‘The thread is about speed (traffic) sign detection, not Speed Limit Mode. ;)’ I was replying to Sloucher’s #22 🤔
  6. tonybridge

    MG4 EV speed limit issue

    You’re right, silly me! I was on the M6 last week and the dashboard was telling me that the limit was 30 for about 50 miles 🙄
  7. tonybridge

    MG4 EV speed limit issue

    I find that if I don’t go over the speed limit, the car doesn’t flash at me… quite handy really 😃 The Speed Limit Mode stays off when you turn it off - I turned mine off half an hour after getting the car 🤣
  8. tonybridge

    MG4 SE LR says 100% charge but only 165 miles shows

    Er…. That was Rolfe’s reply in THIS thread, I think…
  9. tonybridge

    A positive charging story!

    Hi all Had a great trip back home today, from Worcester to Maidenhead, along the A46 and M40. We have family in Worcester, so have done this several times over the past 14 months since we’ve had the MG4. One of the family has a home charger, so the usual pattern is to zip up the M40, sticking...
  10. tonybridge

    Worst car I've ever had

    ‘except the Charging issue’…. 🙄
  11. tonybridge

    Worst car I've ever had

    'I certainly won’t be buying another electric car.' Based on what exactly? None of the 'faults' highlighted by the OP is EV-centric, except the Charging issue, which is not a problem with EVs, but a lack of fundamental research by this person. Going from an ICE to an EV is a major change in...
  12. tonybridge

    Worst car I've ever had

    'Lights going out while I drive' could be the Automatic Headlights? I turned that off on the first day of owning my MG. 'the car can only charge at a pathetically slow 7KW'... you know this is bonkers! 'No easy button to turn radio on' It's staring you in the face, on the Home Screen :rolleyes...
  13. tonybridge

    Worst car I've ever had

  14. tonybridge

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

  15. tonybridge

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    M40 this afternoon, c.2:30… Grey Trophy being towed by AA 😳😔
  16. tonybridge

    Charging at AppleGreen stations, Warwick Services

    Contactless didn’t work… app did (plus the discount)
  17. tonybridge

    Charging at AppleGreen stations, Warwick Services

    Arrived this afternoon at Warwick South Services to top up for the final 70 miles to home. 20 Tesla stations all ful - round the corner, 16 AppleGreens for us poor people, completely empty :unsure: So, plugged in, faffed about with the touch screen (almost unreadable in the strong winter sun)...
  18. tonybridge

    Small update to iSmart app

    No heat pump here. I could leave the air on full blast when I leave the car and see if that works.
  19. tonybridge

    Small update to iSmart app

    (iSmart - what a misnomer!) This morning, I wanted to warm up the car a bit, and noticed that now, when you switch the HVAC on, you only get one message 'HVAC on, will switch off in 10 minutes' (paraphrased) - you used to get the first 'HVAC ON' message, then press OK, then wait for the '10...
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