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  1. F

    MG4 EV SE Reversing camera 2024 UK

    Can you link to it online? I’d love to get one too
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    Charge whilst in car

    Shell chargers can be temperamental. Haven’t used one in ages due to extortionate costs
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    Charge whilst in car

    This used to be the case at some charging stations a year or two ago. Most likely due to software compatibility back then. Haven’t had to do this in a very long time though
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    Sudden acceleration

    Now I see. Yeah that had happened to me with the stock tyres. Never happened again since I put the new tyres on. But I personally didn’t think of it as a sudden regen stop; to my mind sudden regen stop means ‘out of the blue for no apparent reason’ as opposed to ‘because the wheels lost...
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    Mg4 fire

    Were there any aftermarket accessories fitted? When was it last serviced? Not so uncommon for cars to catch fire but being the first one reported on this forum afaik it’s worth having mg to investigate.
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    Sudden acceleration

    Why would regen suddenly stop? I’ve never had that happen to me in 18 months of ownership
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    Sudden acceleration

    May I suggest @Kimiko and @neeti - take a picture of the accelerator pedal and the area surrounding it. It might be something stuck like the carpet or something.
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    All season tyre choices

    PremiumContact C
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    Cable storage for those that public charge 100%

    Another solution: under the front passenger seat, or buy a coiled cable which is way easier to deal with as long as you aren’t too far from the charger
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    How come I can remote check car status?

    Have you tried unbinding and rebinding the account to the car?
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    Understanding how the interior heating system works

    The power button and the physical button both control whether the HVAC is active. An active HVAC consists of A/C to cool/dehumidify the air and a PTC heater to warm it, plus the controls for fan speed, vents and air intake/recirculation. Switching the A/C off does not affect everything else. The...
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    It’s a display only glitch. It’s actually in Sport mode still. Your MG4 likely needs several software module updates as the bug was fixed a long time ago. In particular your car will definitely benefit from the latest service campaign to update the lane keep assist (amongst many other things)
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    Squeaky Bum Time!

    It all goes to show that range anxiety really is charger availability anxiety.
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    Squeaky Bum Time!

    It was a combination of change of plans, lack of chargers in the area I was staying, bad decision making on my part in the morning of the trip. Plus I was confident in the battery calibration and GoM accuracy. Oh and the look of shock and horror on my passenger’s face - that was priceless.
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    EU MG4 (all variants) - Service campaign SC077 is out, improving lane assist performance

    One thing I remember happening when last year I had the first upgrade to LKA/TJA, is that fresh out of the dealers immediately following the upgrade it was even worse than before. I wrote a thread in that regard and took about 50 miles on various dual carriageways to get the system to recognise...
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    EU MG4 (all variants) - Service campaign SC077 is out, improving lane assist performance

    Thank you. I guess it’s now similar to what Kia does with their LFA. (Lane follow assist) which keeps the vehicle centred in the lane as well as follow the vehicle in front. I would hesitate to call it auto steer as it’s incapable of changing lane as well as taking sharp turns.
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    EU MG4 (all variants) - Service campaign SC077 is out, improving lane assist performance

    In TJA mode, does it take less effort to disengage the lane cantering?
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    MG4 51kWh LFP Battery Health

    Mine reduces by 0.01 too, but after a couple of 5% to 100% charge cycles back to back, it increases by 1-2% and then declines again from there. It seems yours plummets after every bump
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    CarPlay Shortcut on MG4 Trophy LR

    You can long press the ‘voice command’ button on the steering wheel that should activate Siri and just say ‘open maps’ or whatever app you wish to go back to.
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    Squeaky Bum Time!

    Got to 0% and the message ‘low charge, stop safely’ literally as I pulled up opposite the charging station. Passenger was getting a bit anxious. I was as calm as ever, as I know my GoM has always been absolutely spot on below 25% charge. Turtle appeared at 2% charge left with 4 miles...
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