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  1. PVperson

    Rear screen washer failure.

    Hi Steve, I see no one actually answered your question, they just expected MG service to fix it under warranty! Those of us with practical skills, whose cars (MG5) are not under warranty would fix it ourselves! Also owners of other cars (MG4, ZS, etc) were answering, pipe not nec. in the same...
  2. PVperson

    Fasten seat belt warning

    Used to always come on when I put a bag of shopping on the rear seat. Now I leave the rear seat belts fastened when the seats are empty, and put the shopping on top! It usually doesn't come on for a few seconds when you start. It certainly shouldn't be on for reversing.
  3. PVperson

    UK overnight power costs ..

    I'm currently thinking about using 6x 52.5kWh MG5 batteries from scrapped cars (about £1200 ea) to make a 309kWh grid storage, so that the customer charges it from PV during the day, and then sells it to the grid during the 16-19:00 peak time!!! 🤣 (at 100kW) If anyone reading this knows the...
  4. PVperson

    MG4 SE vs Long Range - Battery Technology

    Wow! I gotta get me 10 of these chinese gizmos, and increase my range to 1000 miles!!! Electric Vehicle Range Extending Generator Battery Car Solar Wind Power Generat✈ | eBay 😆🤣
  5. PVperson

    UK overnight power costs ..

    You need a 2nd generation smart meter.
  6. PVperson

    MG Cyberster Wiki - Hints, Tips and Solutions

    It's designed in China. They have very few tall people!
  7. PVperson

    Seeking Advice on ZS Hybrid Plus Fuel Efficiency and Electric Motor Usage

    Well, I thought this site was for MGEVs, which hybrid cars are not. If you can return it, I would, and buy an EV instead. For comparison, yesterday it was ~4deg I drove 105km, about 60% on motorways and major roads, and achieved 4.4miles/kWh which is equivalent of 180mpg. My highest revs were...
  8. PVperson

    Installing panels on a garden room.

    I'm a professional in the field of renewable energy. PV modules (panels) are at an all-time low cost, you can get e.g. 540W half-cell mono for ~£55inc. (~48+VAT) they tend to be larger than older panels, efficiency of 21.5% not uncommon. 670W is available, but these are bigger, 233x 115cm You...
  9. PVperson

    MG 5 - Car "dies" in traffic queue with manual parking brake applied

    Well, yes. Tell the chinese designers, that's what the car does. Yes, I think if you've got the heater running, it won't disconnect. Not necessarily a good thing, I once left my heater on 25deg to warm up on a cold day, and when I came out later, the car was boiling and the battery was on 75%!!! 🤣
  10. PVperson

    MG 5 - Car "dies" in traffic queue with manual parking brake applied

    This is because the car controller will disengage the HV battery, if the car is left for long periods parked with the car switched on (ready to drive) this is for safety, and also to save discharging the battery if the car has accidentally been left switched on.
  11. PVperson

    Parking Buttons

    This is also incorrect, the EHB cannot be apply at any more than abour 1/2 mph, (less than 1) just try try it, it will do nothing above that speed. If you're a passenger and the driver is incapacitated in an MG EV, best first hold the wheel and guide the car to a safe stopping place, if the...
  12. PVperson

    Parking Buttons

    No, Until you press the brake and put it into gear. The handbrake (centre button, and "P" switch) is used when the car is stationary for more than a few seconds, as per the Higway code: "In stationary queues of traffic, drivers should apply the parking brake and, once the following traffic has...
  13. PVperson

    MG ZS EV - MG guidance for charging in Winter months

    Li-ion, NMC etc. batteries don't like charging when very cold, but according to this link on SpeakEV, the later MG's have a battery heater. Which EVs have battery heating? In theory you could retrofit one inline with the cooling cct. to keep it toasty on cold mornings... Garage is good, heated...
  14. PVperson

    MG5 battery upgrades

    Yes, Yes, just need the swap the black boxes (see picture) with the battery modules, as these are specific to the higher capacity (174Ah) modules. the SR has 150Ah, and I would guess the ER MG4 (different modules) has 200Ah.
  15. PVperson

    MG5 battery upgrades

    Not that I know. I haven't done it yet, but I'm told that you just need to swap the local BMS modules (6 in an MG5) with the battery modules.
  16. PVperson

    Installing panels on a garden room.

    As you may guess from my username here, I'm an expert in PV and renewable, I have over 8kW on outbuildings, (saving the house roof for solar-thermal!) I would always use a reputable installer, and have PV (panels) bolted down to the roof structure, high winds are becoming more and more common in...
  17. PVperson

    So, Long Range you say ?

    In case "HazardLights" didn't notice, I was suggesting using grid power to do this. On a cold morning, it can take 2-3% of battery to defrost and warm up the car, this does it before you step out of your door (if you have a separate cable for the fan heater) best to have it blow under the seat...
  18. PVperson

    So what range were you getting in recent cold weather?

    I can confirm the heated seat is MUCH more energy efficient in winter, it heats your bum and legs directly, and then your feet also feel warm! 😊 I was driving with the heater off, or on 16deg, with an ambient temp of 5/6deg and was warm enough.
  19. PVperson

    So what range were you getting in recent cold weather?

    Battery heating during winter (concept) Battery heating pads. Best keep it in a heated garage, too!! The MG5/4 battery is a huge aluminium box, and has cooling channels with water/antifreeze built-in, so if you have a heater in the cooling cct. this would heat the battery if the coolant pump was...
  20. PVperson

    Impact of KERS on tyre wear

    Yes. Yes. No, it puts the main brakes on, and annoyingly, the brake lights! Better just press the button (on the gear shift) for hand brake. Then you are not breaking the highway code by blinding drivers behind you whilst stationary for more than 5 seconds. Yes, I know coasting is tech...
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