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  1. R

    Granny charging

    My roof isn’t up to support for solar panels, hence my decision to go with the 3+hybrid.
  2. R

    Granny charging

    Thanks everyone. I have concluded that the MG3 Hybrid + will suit my needs better. Also it is a lot cheaper to buy and insure.
  3. R

    Granny charging

    I live on a park home estate. We technically get 100kw supply but it is pretty marginal. Putting two rings on my induction hob is 50/50 likely to trip the consumer unit.
  4. R

    Granny charging

    My home electrics are not up to running a wall charger. My useage is mostly local with monthly trips of around 200 round trip and annual around 300 one way, returning within a week. Is charging via three pin plug going to be up to the job with occasional public charging station topups?
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