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  1. shadders

    Pictures of your MG3 Hybrid+

    I keep an eye out as I drive around Wales for another red mg3😎, I will give you a flash
  2. shadders

    Pictures of your MG3 Hybrid+

    I liked the grey, wife the red we got red. Looks nice in grey enjoy, you will love sports mode now and again 😀
  3. shadders

    What is wrong with your MG3-Hybrid (ONLY)

    1. HVAC. Update the software for auto mode. It's either cold or hot. So now I only use manual control which I have set up correctly for me. Would be nice to set 22 , switch auto and watch the world go by.
  4. shadders


    MPG Calculator » Work out your Miles Per Gallon. Used this site to get figures
  5. shadders


    1. Fuel warning light came on filled tank 30 litres so I can confirm 5 litres left in tank. 2. 278 miles for 30.02 liters = 42.10 mpg not far off computer. 3. Driving in normal mode, regen 2 , city driving and a lot of Air con. 4. Heating setting Fan lvl 1 or 2 air con temp 20 22. Blower...
  6. shadders

    Is this car a good buy?

    I am very happy with our mg3. Our kids have left home so 90% of the time it's just wife and I so it is plenty big enough for us. Currently mpg good 50 plus, handling is Great around town and I am not sure how I would manage without the 360 camera!. If you compare the technology you get for the...
  7. shadders

    Mg3 steering wheel favourites

    Looks like regen and camera is leading the poll ?
  8. shadders

    Mg3 steering wheel favourites

    Yes I can confirm RH star is my Aircon.
  9. shadders

    MG3+ Acceleration

    I can confirm flooring the throttle on a straight road, scared the williys out of me and brought a smile to face. The mg3 is fast enough for me and I can confirm overtaking on a country road , joining motorways and quick RH turn in busy traffic is very good.
  10. shadders

    Mg3 steering wheel favourites

    Hi MG3 driver's Just wanted to capture your steering wheel favourites based on your actual driving style. Currently mine are 1. Left: camera always parking at the shops, etc need the camera to get the perfect angle and why not never had a 360 camera ? just quick to activate 2. Right: still...
  11. shadders


    1. Around town mixed driving 20 miles round trip to work 2. Eco mode regen 2. 57.1 Not hit the magic 60 yet. Car only done 650 miles from the dealership.
  12. shadders

    MG3 Hybrid+ Wiki - Hints, Tips and Solutions

    I am not sure if this helps but I got in the car pressed start stop tried to engage R nothing. So now having scanned the manual 1. Get in car 2. Seat belt. 3. FOOT on brake (important) 4. Press start button 5. Can screen boots then goes into Ready mode green word on dashboard. 6. Select D or ,R...
  13. shadders

    MG3 Hybrid+ Wiki - Hints, Tips and Solutions

    Ok I need to put a few more miles on the clock and do some slow turns to see what happens. This car has a lot of tech I know how Kirk felt when Scotty is explaining warp drive ?
  14. shadders

    List of MG3 Hybrid owners 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

    Yep my mg3 has about 1000 commodore Pets under the hood ?
  15. shadders

    MG3 Hybrid+ Wiki - Hints, Tips and Solutions

    Can anyone explain how the camera is supposed to work when turning?. Sometimes it comes on when I am turning sometimes it doesn't. For example at a junction performing RH turn it does not come on. Then other times it does. Very confused on how this feature works. Going through the menus can't...
  16. shadders

    List of MG3 Hybrid owners 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

    Just picked up our new red 74 plate trophy. (From dealership in Wales including infinity discount) love it. Except the default speed camera alert made me jump driving from the dealership until I found the answer in this forum to switch it off today
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