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  1. DMeine

    Car insurance

    @Holk I am with HUK
  2. DMeine

    Rear demister not working properly?

    The lower strips are not the rear window heating but the car aerial. This has already been discussed here in the forum :p
  3. DMeine

    Radar error when reversing

    There is a warning with a sound and the distance in cm is also displayed. However, I have noticed that it sometimes does it and sometimes doesn't in the same car park, which is very irritating because you simply can't rely on it. But I'm glad that I have the 360 degree camera otherwise I would...
  4. DMeine

    Radar error when reversing

    Does anyone also have this error when reversing "radar error" dealer said that the sensors are dirty and frost can cause this error message. But I can't imagine that because it didn't happen until 3 months after I got the car. The radar sensors are located behind the bumper on the left and right...
  5. DMeine

    MG ZS HYBRID+ Gets Fix After Acceleration Issue Exposed by CarSauce

    Anyone who thinks that the update reduces the revving is unfortunately wrong, it is rather the opposite, the combustion engine revs up more often. I tried it once on a flat stretch with a warm engine and more than 50km/h battery almost full at 1300-1400rpm, battery approx. 50% full 2200-2400rpm...
  6. DMeine

    Auto Santo Ltd - MG Dealer Discussion, Opinions & Experiences

    Cool wußte gar nicht das das Autohaus hier einen eigenen Bereich hat. Hab dort meine MG ZS Hybrid+ im November gekauft und konnte ihn schon nach nicht mal 4 Wochen abholen. Moderator: Please post in English. Translation: Cool, I didn't even know that the car had its own section here. I bought...
  7. DMeine

    Over-revving MG3 Hybrid+ engine

    @JackONeill And then try to overtake or even worse if it happens while you are overtaking.
  8. DMeine

    Lane departure warning system reacts incorrectly

    The strange thing is that it only happens with solid lines, not with dashed lines and when driving without ACC only with ELK switched on
  9. DMeine

    Lane departure warning system reacts incorrectly

    That's a good question about the adjustment. As far as I know, it has to be done in every country, just like the headlights, so that you don't dazzle oncoming traffic. I live in Germany and have already read in the MG3 forum that someone has a problem with this and the user is from Israel.
  10. DMeine

    Lane departure warning system reacts incorrectly

    Unfortunately, I have already noticed several times that the lane departure warning system reacts incorrectly. When I come onto the centre line with the wheels, the car tries to pull me into oncoming traffic, when the wheels touch the line of the hard shoulder the car tries to pull me off the...
  11. DMeine

    bothered by certain things

    You can change the transmitter on the steering wheel using the right-hand control pad. Up down controls the volume, left right changes the transmitter
  12. DMeine

    Seeking Advice on ZS Hybrid Plus Fuel Efficiency and Electric Motor Usage

    Air conditioning is not heating. The car is heated by the combustion engine, the air conditioning runs on electricity. A device that can do both is a so-called heat pump, which works electrically and is mainly installed in plug-in and pure electric cars. In Dacia full hybrids, an electric...
  13. DMeine

    Checking whether the PD052 update has been installed.

    We still have a Dacia Jogger Hybrid and the battery only gets below 50% at full throttle. With Dacia, the battery is always kept between 50 and 75%, so it always has enough power and still has room for recuperation. Thanks to the 4 gears of the combustion engine, the combustion engine can drive...
  14. DMeine

    Lane assist issue?

    I've noticed that with the centre line too, it's happened when I've come over to the touchline. Both with ACC switched off
  15. DMeine

    The AC forgets the set temperature (MG3 hybrid+ Trophy)

    I have also noticed this error in the ZS Hybrid. Only once so far, but very curious
  16. DMeine

    MG ZS Hybrid+ Owners Survey.

    If I hadn't got the PD052 update, the car would have gone back to the dealer. But the price and the interior can't be the only reason why a vehicle is bought. After all, who would buy a Porsche when a Fiat Panda engine is doing its job in it? :ROFLMAO: Sorry too much Top Gear watching;)
  17. DMeine

    MG ZS Hybrid+ Owners Survey.

    Yes, I'm talking about the MG ZS Hybrid+ and what I would have liked to see in this vehicle.
  18. DMeine

    MG ZS Hybrid+ Owners Survey.

    A four-speed automatic, electric heating and when you step on the brakes that boosts the recuperation like other manufacturers would have been really great. That would have saved even more fuel and minimised revving up
  19. DMeine

    Warning Beeps

    I drove away from work today at an outside temperature of 13 degrees, the battery was a little more than half full and the air conditioning was set to 20 degrees. The car travelled about 1.5 km purely electrically before the combustion engine kicked in. I was totally surprised in a positive way.
  20. DMeine

    Accessories/Mud flaps

    the only thing I have found so far are wind deflectors for the ZS hybrid
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