If my car is getting efficiencies in the 14.5-17kWh/100km it is fine…under the perspective that my solar/battery system is giving me ‘free’ km, the effect is not seen in effective range and I’ll just note the variation in efficiency but not really try to do anything about it as there are lots of...
Here in Oz it’s the macho dual cabs that are the easiest…put 200-300m on them at the lights, reach and sit on the speed limit while they chuff up behind you and exceed the speed limit to pass you.
Has anyone found that the Accumulated Total resets itself at about 4000km? Disclaimer: I may have accidentally pushed the reset but wasn’t aware if it.
Don’t know what the situation is ther in Blighty but a 22kw charge cable is something to think about. Some hotels and businesses have destination type chargers that require your own cable here in Oz.
I’ve been driving Australian roads since 1971… never had any stone damage to the underside of the many vehicles I have drive although did pick up a snake once🤔
It’s warm here but not as warm as past summers. Did realise my household thermometer for outdoors was near the air conditioner unit which was ‘inflating’ the temp by 3-4 deg though😂Battery heating is still on from winter as it can get to -5 or lower on frosty mornings here. 🥶
Me too…I find the...
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