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  1. E

    MG4 Trophy Sat Nav Updates don’t work.

    Here is what worked for me: Downloaded maps zip from (HERE/EU/23Q4/2023111323340) Extracted it with WinRAR to my computer and then transfer it into a 128GB microsd inserted in a card reader (exFAT), took easily 2+ hours to copy. Removed 'VN.txt and File_verfication Switched on the car...
  2. E

    Charging speeds

    This is the charging curve I got from a 160 kWh charger the other day. Worth mentioning it was 0 °C. Cold makes the charge slower. Hadn't seen this stepped behaviour before, but probably it is because most of the chargers here in Spain do not give you a graph with the charging speed. It was a...
  3. E

    Charging speeds

    I have a LR, Luxury and had charged at 80 kW (max according to specs), but not all the time. Many of the chargers here max at 50 and that is what you get. A couple of days ago (below 10 °C), started charging at 80, went down to 60 at some point, then 40 kW, then 20 when it hit 80% and 10 when...
  4. E

    Tips for using public chargers

    Mine as well. They should explain it when you pick up the car. Believing that RFID meant my contactless debit card was another. Doors opened, closed, locked was never an issue in my case. There is a learning curve; some chargers requiere pay first plug later, other plug and pay, there are...
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