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  1. M

    Loss of power due to empty battery / uphill driving / acceleration / overtaking

    Hello, try it, use sport Mode recharge level 2 as i said, at 50-70 kmh runs charging and assist , today i tested on hill and got enougth battery at top to achieve 80 kmh something happened then at 3700 revs suddenly achieved 100 kmh on uphill and revs down to 2100 ( i've passed a Tesla Oo)
  2. M

    MG ZS Hybrid+ high engine revs

    Abslutely agree, but this Atkinson cycle motor gives 128Nm Torque at Max, something i've noticed it's the thermical efficiency which it's preferred by the brand.
  3. M

    MG ZS Hybrid+ high engine revs

    It's normal our MG has a DHT or dedicated hybrid transmisión, this means electric engine runs to recharge battery leaving Thermic motor with a huge work to keep the speed. A simply solution, a second battery and a recharge-discharge alternate cycle, second battery goes to rescue while primary...
  4. M

    MG ZS Hybrid+ high engine revs

    Hi!, first of all I'm not english speaking fluent, sorry to all users. I'm driving an MG ZS hybrid+ since december 27th, my daily route is arround 27 km of hilly terrain with slope values arround 6% to 23%. Driving down from home i'm getting comsumes close to 0,3 l to 0,8 l/100km, the worst case...
  5. M

    Loss of power due to empty battery / uphill driving / acceleration / overtaking

    Hi!, first of all I'm not english speaking fluent, sorry to all users. I'm driving an MG ZS hybrid+ since december 27th, my daily route is arround 27 km of hilly terrain with slope values arround 6% to 23%. Driving down from home i'm getting compsumptions close to 0,3 l to 0,8 l/100km, the worst...
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