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  1. GreyPeter

    2024 - OVMS and MG5

    Hi, I am glad that things are working for you now. I should start doing some more work on OVMS soon and will let you know when I need some testing done.
  2. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    Testing with the main version should be fine. There has only been changes to the MG4 code since April. Let me know if you have any problems.
  3. GreyPeter

    2024 - OVMS and MG5

    Hi Bruce, sorry to hear that you are having problems. Firstly the car needs to be turned on or charging before you turn polls on. If the 12V is low, the polls are automatically turned off. When the polls are on the SoC is polled every 30 seconds so it may take awhile to update. Are you using the...
  4. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    Hi, first of all I would suggest switching to Empty Vehicle before doing an OTA update. I believe there is a boot bug in the code that only occurs when booting into a new install. James, I will look into your SoC problem but can you install the latest OTA Edge code first. I think this problem...
  5. GreyPeter

    2024 - OVMS and MG5

    Hello Bruce and Jan. I am sorry but I missed Jan’s original post. I am happy to help out here. I haven’t done any work lately on the MG5 code as I had nobody to test things for me. If you are both able to do some testing for me, I am happy to help out. I personally own an MG4 so have done all...
  6. GreyPeter

    Hello, I have just this week picked up my new MG4 EV and am studying all about her!

    I read somewhere that the sim in the car allows it to connect to any carrier so it will connect to the strongest carrier available.
  7. GreyPeter

    Hello, I have just this week picked up my new MG4 EV and am studying all about her!

    Hi Nananita, I live in Brisbane and also have the Essence 64. I picked up my car about over a month ago. The salesman and I tried to bind the car in the sales room when I was picking it and had no success but I was able to do it when I get home. I don’t have particularly good 4G at home but it...
  8. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    Hi, I don’t believe the 12V should be jumping around like that. I believe you may have a loose or bad connection somewhere. It could be the CAN lead or possibly even the 12V Battery connections.
  9. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    We did have a problem with the battery voltage going crazy sometimes and found the battery voltage reading went haywire as the bus turned off. I wonder if this is a symptom of the same thing. I think it usually happened when charging was stopped or perhaps just after the vehicle was turned off...
  10. GreyPeter

    New user ovms on mk1 ZS EV

    Hi, this should have been resolved now. Try downloading the edge build and installing it.There is a new selection under MG/Features.
  11. GreyPeter

    MG ZS EV (2022, Facelift) and OVMS

    @Zoomy I have never been involved with the images for the apps. I am not sure who does it or how they are produced.
  12. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    Hi James, Good to know that it is working. Enjoy using OVMS. Peter
  13. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    You should have no problems with the alarm going off on the 2021 MG ZS EV now that you have selected the correct vehicle.
  14. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    James you should be setting the vehicle to MG EV (UK/EU) unless your vehicle is the new facelift model, if so, try the MG ZS EV MK2 setting. Can you let me know which model you have.
  15. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    I have uploaded the latest firmware version to All MG specific shell commands now need to be preceded by xmg e.g. xmg polls on Use xmg ? to see all commands for selected model. This is a requirement before I push it to the main...
  16. GreyPeter


    I have uploaded the latest firmware version to All MG specific shell commands now need to be preceded by xmg e.g. xmg softver Use xmg ? to see all commands for selected model. This is a requirement before I push it to the main...
  17. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    Ok. Let me know how it goes.
  18. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    This sounds like the problem we have had with the MG5 from the start. So far we have been unable to resolve the issue. Are you using the version I posted on Slack on 13th May?
  19. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    Have you tried different scenarios like turning polls on after charging has commenced and locked, turning polls on when charging and unlocked and then locking, or starting charging when locked with polling on?
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