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  1. hermitdave

    So do you like your MG ZS EV?

    My 21 HS felt a lot sturdier in comparison. The 22 Facelift ZS isn’t bad but SE doesn’t have lane centring?? Only correction and warning Needs setting to Eco each time as it feels like a toy on default mode - prefer sluggish throttle response over front wheel spin Eco definitely gives better...
  2. hermitdave

    Apple CarPlay navigation

    I purchased wireless adapter from Aliexpress for £10 a few weeks ago. works like a charm Wireles dongle for ZS EV
  3. hermitdave

    Help! Ran both batteries down!

    When battery is out of balance, the weakest cell dictates when car switches off irrespective of the SoC My home LFP was out of balance in initial days and at about 15%. It would shutdown as lowest cell was triggering cut-off
  4. hermitdave

    Rapid charging only 22kW on Mk2 MG ZS EV SR

    Good point. I have only super charged a handful of times but you are right from my recollection I had been driving an hour and it still popped th preheating on.
  5. hermitdave

    Rapid charging only 22kW on Mk2 MG ZS EV SR

    Couple of things. 70% SoC will lower the over all state of charge Battery temperature. Ensure you turn on battery heating prior to attempting rapid charge. Our Tesla MY preconditions the battery at least 10 mins before it gets near super charger. Colder battery lower is the rate of charge
  6. hermitdave

    Camera cover dash cam help

    I can't seem to clip the replacement cover with the dashcam. It is wobbly and doesn't want to clip on.. Is drilling a hole and screwing those in the only option ? @javiermi ?
  7. hermitdave

    Noisy sound on level1 fan settings? Its not quiet until I turn off whole temp button!

    certainly. I just never heard PTC heater in the last 10 years or so. All cars have PTC heater but have better sound proofing
  8. hermitdave

    Help! Ran both batteries down!

    The jump starter didn't do the trick for me
  9. hermitdave

    Help! Ran both batteries down!

    Last month I picked up our damaged Leaf from Storage (written off) and took it back home. Since the door is stuck and car thinks its open it keeps the lights on and it ran down 12V battery. EVSE wouldn't start charging and it was down to flat 12V battery. I picked up a 12V battery charger from...
  10. hermitdave

    Noisy sound on level1 fan settings? Its not quiet until I turn off whole temp button!

    that's what the tick noise is.. thing is driving me insane. I have been wondering if it is fan speed or something else
  11. hermitdave

    Noisy sound on level1 fan settings? Its not quiet until I turn off whole temp button!

    I had the same with Nissan Leaf after 1st service with deal. They wanted £99 fee to investigate. Cancelled the service plan
  12. hermitdave

    Charging Limit

    Our Tesla would be at risk if they managed to get to my watch / phone / wallet. They aren't coming for MG any time soon
  13. hermitdave

    ZS EV Mk2 51kWh LFP Battery - Not Balancing Massive Cell Deviation

    Haven't come across induction coils based balancing. somehow feels wrong but I know that active balancers bleed excess voltage of high voltage cells and dump it on ones with low voltage cells. The amperage however is the key factor since active balancers are often limited in that manner. Higher...
  14. hermitdave

    ZS EV Mk2 51kWh LFP Battery - Not Balancing Massive Cell Deviation

    Having dealt with a neighbour’s out of balance pack before, the only solution was to open up and then bring up the low voltage cells to match the rest of the pack. Specialist garages like Cleevely can help with EVs but IMO the pack top voltage is 3.65 volt as BMS is continuously trying to top up...
  15. hermitdave

    ZS EV camera quality

    Apparently Gen 1 ZS used same camera as HS. HS PHEV resolution was very good. Gen 2 / facelift uses a different camera / connector. I wonder what facelift HS uses
  16. hermitdave

    ZS EV Mk2 51 kWh LFP battery - What is Your Voltage When Full?

    The inverter showing ZS balancing. Looks like 20 mins and it tails rapidly Compare that to the home battery that has resistive balancing. Balance take far longer
  17. hermitdave

    ZS EV Mk2 51 kWh LFP battery - What is Your Voltage When Full?

    I would read at 100% . LFP is notorious with pack voltage
  18. hermitdave

    ZS EV Mk2 51 kWh LFP battery - What is Your Voltage When Full?

    402V for me. I have OBD2 plugged in but haven’t looked at any data yet 20k miles / 3 years old
  19. hermitdave

    Charging Limit

    Car thefts are not uncommon. Yes mechanism is a bit questionable though.. not denying that. Again not something I came up with - just what I encountered
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