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  1. R

    Temperature display on the HVAC module

    I like your theory, the temperature being off by about 4-5°C seems right to me, my default Temperature (in any other car) is 21°C, in the MG4 it's 26°C.
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    Android Auto Assistant Not Working....but only when in motion..........

    It's an MG bug that has been reported (at least in my German Forum) on at least three models (I experienced it myself on the MG4 and Marvel R, ZSEV owners report the same). Basically MG 'locks out' Google Assistant the same way it should for the Keyboard. I don't think there's anything we can...
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    MG4: The New Batch

    I know the UK isn't in the EU anymore, but don't you get a Certificate of Conformity anyway? Mine contains the "Date of manufacture of the vehicle: 2022-09-05" (which happens to be the COC Issue Date as well). VIN ending in 163XXX
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    INFO Please

    YES! Owner Manual, Page 57:
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    Rapid charging an MG4

    This (and the assumed lower consumption / higher range) is why I ordered the MG4 over the Marvel R. I can't tell you how excited I am about this - this makes the MG4 properly suitable for long distance travel. Hopefully this is repeatable / normal.
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    :) First Member to post their delivery/pick-up of the MG4 :)

    To be fair, I don't think it's as big of a deal as some people make it. I drive five and nine year old EVs and their batteries are in very good condition still. I know plenty of people that don't roam forums and get all worked up about battery care, but plug in and charge to 100% every night...
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    :) First Member to post their delivery/pick-up of the MG4 :)

    I guess people have to determine the range they're comfortable with. With my current cars, I regularly go down to ~5% (Turtle Mode) - but they have small batteries. And I will charge as long as is sensible... on my Ioniq Classic that's 82% (where charging performance drops significantly) if I'm...
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    MG4 First EV & Advice

    Friendly reminder to my Post here: Rapid charging an MG4 Please please please - if it doesn't come fully charged or you get an opportunity to use some of it, please record a video, take some pictures, or at least share some experiences with a rapid / hypercharger (120kW+) and how much power the...
  9. R

    SIM requirement

    Frankly I doubt OTA works at all, I'm afraid it's just theory and marketing. This isn't Tesla, so we shouldn't be expecting all that many, frequent and significant updates in the first place. And while I don't own an MG yet, I've again read from others with other models that they have (had)...
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    SIM requirement

    MG iSMART - Recharge yourself gives a decent overview (SE has "iSmart Lite", Trophy has "iSmart") What the Trophy gets over the SE: Connected Navigation Online points of interest Route planner (Send routes through App) Alarm Weather Forecast Amazon Music Wifi Hotspot FOTA (Firmware over the...
  11. R

    Does the MG4 come with keyless entry?

    I believe that unless you hang your key to your front door, it's a non-issue that only becomes relevant when it's slow news day and/or someone does another 'proof of concept' to relay / hack keyless systems. I've had Keyless entry for 10 years and no problems yet. Perhaps I'd see things...
  12. R

    :) First Member to post their delivery/pick-up of the MG4 :)

    No love for europeans in this Survey. Looks like I'll be getting a Silver one.
  13. R

    Very pleasantly surprised

    I don't. Look at the Marvel R and other MGs - laggy unresponsive touchscreens aren't exactly new but seem to be 'on brand'. There's nothing indicating that MG is looking to improve that experience. Don't want to be a buzzkill, just manage expectations - and I guess it's better to expect to...
  14. R

    Rapid charging an MG4

    I am too waiting for (anyone) to publish a charging curve or at least some figures and real world experience (i.e. 60 kW at 5%, 130 kW between 15 and 30%, 90kW between 50 and 60%...) The official data seems off. Between "135kW Peak" and "74kW avg. between 10 and 80%" the curve appears too...
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    Very disappointed

    That I find particularly funny. I seem to recall paying extra for it on my 1 Series M-Sport back in the day (or was it part of the M Package?). Since you compared it, I had a look at the Audi A3 configurator. There you'll get the black headliner (apparently only) if you get the "S line" or...
  16. R

    MG4 Reviews from various online publications

    It enables a Wifi hotspot. (The Luxury can act as a 4G Wifi hotspot for passengers). "Please do not open flushing and violent switch"
  17. R

    Anyone interested in an electric shopping trolley

    Ouch. It was all greyed out for me until I hit Toggle BB Code Thanks!
  18. R

    MG 4, 2 gears? ?

    I doubt it. MG would've advertised this (like they do on the Marvel R) and I would have expected a much better WLTP range and/or much higher top speed. In fact, as a German (Autobahn and all), I'm pretty bummed that the MG4 tops out a 100mph / 160km/h, while the (on paper) less powerful ZSEV...
  19. R

    Anyone interested in an electric shopping trolley

    It actually doesn't. :) "A category AM or B (otherwise known as a Full) driving license is required..." - I believe they put it that way, intending to point out that if you have a B aka Full driving license, you're permitted to drive this (AM is included). I also doubt the part about it...
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    Anyone interested in an electric shopping trolley

    Why would that be? As far as I can tell, the same rules as in the EU apply, only the age may vary (14 to get an AM License in France, 15 in Germany, 16 in UK?) Category AM You can drive 2-wheeled or 3-wheeled vehicles with a maximum design speed...
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