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    MG ZS EV 12V Battery

    MGZSEV now 4 years old and a message`, "12V battery charge may be limited please start vehicle" has appeared when the drivers door and boot are open before the vehicle. When the car is started the dash information indicates that battery is three quarters full just as it always has been...
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    MG ZS EV windscreen delamination

    Our 2020 MG ZS EV's windscreen has started to delaminate, has anyone else experienced this issue and if so found a resolution?
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    MGZSEV Starter switch

    Our 2020 MGZSEVs starter switch has started to peel, please see the attached. The car has only travelled 12500. Has anyone else experienced this issue and resolved it under the warranty?
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    Shocking (cost of electricity)

    Two years ago the cost to charge our MGZSEV via our then energy supplier AVRO equated to 25% of the cost of petrol per gallon, based on 50 miles to the gallon as our other car, an ICE manages. When AVRO went bust Ofgen switched us to Octopus energy and we were put on a tariff called: Flexible...
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    MG UKs Own Service Plan news

    I have previously reported about MG reintroducing their own service plan and was advised by a dealer to go for it when it was released as it would be cheaper than their own or those from other nearby dealerships. MG's own plan is now available but has to be purchased through dealers using a...
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    Dashboard speed indicator "out of date", is there an available update?

    Our 2020 ZS EV dashboard relative road speed indicator / warning information is out of date. We have had it serviced as required. Is there a system update, if so when was it available / when might it have been expected to be installed?
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    MGZSEV Exclusive 70 plate 8000 mls only charging to 157 miles despite the weather not being cold

    Hi and sorry if the following has been discussed but, our MGZSEV on a 70 plate with 8000 miles on the clock is now only achieving a charge of 157 miles despite the current moderate temperature (climate). The car is charged on a home charger and periodically charged on a Granny charger to balance...
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    Tyre Pressure Monitoring System

    After having a puncture repaired I looked at page 203 of the Owners Handbook, is the "predefined limit of the system" one that is a constant and all that is required after a repair is to inflate the tyre to the recommended pressure?
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    Battery charging and balancing

    Our MGZSEV has covered 4700 miles and we have an Ohme home wall charger. Today the Ohme indicated that the charge was complete and the cars MGs front grill symbol was no longer illuminated. I pressed the drivers door handle without the car key in my possession and then noticed the charger had...
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    MGZSEV first service

    Our MGZSEV is 12 months old, has covered 4400 miles and today had its first service at a local MG Dealership, they did not supply the vehicle. I waited for it and after about an hour and a half the service had been completed and the EV had been washed. The service paperwork I was handed on...
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    Only 144 miles shown after a full charge?

    Our MGZSEV has only shown 144 miles in Normal mode after its last two full charges on both its Granny and Wall Box home charger. Since the better weather it always showed 161 miles after charge. Past mileage records were cleared before charging prior to using the mentioned chargers. The ZS...
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    Granny charger failed.

    Our MGZSEV now covered 700 miles. Apart from two free public charge visits the Granny charger has been used to refuel it whilst we looked at suitable home chargers. Those Granny charges have been showing 450+ volts and 150+ mile range in normal, even during cold conditions. Just as we were...
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    Window door rubbers and outside condensation

    Today I did a school run. The side windows were covered in condensation on the outside, the sun was out and a delivery lorry was partially blocking my view as I tried to exit a communal drive on to a main road. Thinking that winding the windows down would help, not with the lorry but at least...
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    The price of a home home charger?

    Since buying an MG ZS EV I have only used a Granny charger but after reading contributors posts I obtained a quote to have an EO Mini Pro V2 installed. An "additional O-PEN device" was apparently required to negate the need for an earth rod together with Active Load Management, otherwise the...
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    New MGZSEV owner. Sub 140 mile range. What am I doing wrong?

    Hi I bought a pre registered MGZSEV 10 days ago and have used a Granny charger overnight on two occasions. The first full charge showed 133 miles available and the second 138, whilst it has been cold overnight I had hoped to see a longer mileage range. What am I doing wrong?
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    Help as a new MGZSEV owner Im experimenting with home charging yet currently failing.

    Hello, I have tried using the home charger supplied as standard with the MG ZS, but as no home socket is in reach of the chargers cable I hvae been using an extension lead. The 13 amp fuse on the lead has blown on two different charging days so making overnight charging no longer a reliable...
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