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  1. drmcw

    No regen when braking

    I'm sure most people know that auto-cruise control slows down using the brakes rather than regen which is annoying, but in normal driving then most people think that you get regen when braking? I remember when I posted about my test drive with the ZS and said that I didn't like the fact that it...
  2. drmcw

    Stupid Setting?

    Went to go to work this morning so wanted to defrost the windscreen using the app. Failed as battery was too low. It was at 29% so had to get in the car and wait for it to defrost. I presume you can't defrost the car when the battery SOC is below ~30%? How ridiculous is that?
  3. drmcw

    marketing lies?

    Has anyone noticed the new "estimated range" section on the MG web site? They are quoting 387 miles for "slow moving traffic" even 305 miles for "urban". I'm not doubting that these are possible but surely realistic would be better?
  4. drmcw

    MG spotting

    Black one at the beginning of this about 16 seconds in! Merry Christmas?
  5. drmcw

    Battery degradation

    Just seen this which although on a Thailand based car must be good watching for current owners?
  6. drmcw

    Tow bar

    Anyone know what the software update for the witter towbar does as it seems to be optional?
  7. drmcw

    Bigger than a LR Discovery?

    I only ever managed 7 passengers and luggage when I had a LR discovery, so that's put to shame! :LOL:
  8. drmcw

    MG ZS EV Facelift - Test drives

    I have a test drive booked for 10th December which is a bit late, but was earliest I could get that suited myself and the dealer. When have you a test drive booked? If tested what were your impressions?
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