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    Thank you DOGE!

    In a country where the vast majority of cars are of French or German origin it was two and a half years ago and a minor consideration when choosing a new vehicle. Should I go with the crowd, or save myself a few grand and suffer the embarrassment of both electric and Chinese ownership. Today I...
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    Lifetime warranties

    A few months ago there was talk of 10 year, even lifetime warranties as being in the pipeline, all seems to have gone quiet on that front. Does anyone from any region have any updated info as to their arrival or even demise?
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    When to charge?

    I normally charge on cheap overnight tariff. Tomorrow, Sunday, the difference in price between day/night tariff is 2.5 cents/kwh, and I want to put in 30 kwh of juice. The daytime temperature is around 11°C and night time -2°C. Would the subsequent increase in energy heating up the battery and...
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    Going to Spain?

    New Spanish regs state ,that as from Jan 26 the red warning triangle will be abolished and must be replaced with an approved orange flashing light which magnetically attaches to the roof. This also has a GPS and some sort of Sim card which can alert the emergency services to your position . All...
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    Insurance , but not what you think?

    Had to re-insure the car recently and was looking through all the options. Came across one companies site and in its generalities it mentioned that if you have an EVSE attached to your property you should inform your house insurer and have it on their files, they may want to see all the...
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    Fake charging ports and others have started flogging fake plastic magnetic backed charging ports, mainly aimed at the US market as hilarious joke items so ICE owners can fool their like minded friends into thinking they have converted to electric. One of the advertising claims are that they can park in...
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    Dash cams

    As a more wide ranging debatable topic with references to Mr Bricktops recent , " Goodbye all " post. Just to say I am absolutely sure that no laws were broken in that post and its not a condemnation of his completely legal actions, which along with others I do when I deem necessary. Most...
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    Many years ago when crossply tyres were still a thing, I had the tracking checked on my first car. The mechanic informed me that they set the track correctly then do a small adjustment to compensate for the camber of the roads. I took this at face value and to a point still think it might be...
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    I smart digital service record.

    I have asked this on the MG4 thread but wanted to extend the question to all models. Is the possible to see the Digital service history of your vehicle from the I smart app? And if so, how ? Thanks.
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    Restore to factory settings.

    Has anyone had the gumption , nerve , desperation , to press the " restore to factory settings " option in any of the models covered by this forum. I suspect others like myself treat it as that button in the aircraft cockpit scene from "Father Ted " . How far back does it go? Does it restore...
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    Screw type

    After buying many products "made in China" and finding that both pozi drive and philips screwdrivers are just not quite right, and years of "fixing" Japanese motorbikes without having JIS screwdrivers, does any one definitively know what cross head screw type MG use. Or is there now a Chinese...
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    2024 Holiday in France

    If anyone cares to look on the MG French site ( google translate ) you may find that MG have done a deal with Electra , a French EV charging service , small but expanding . This allows MG electric owners to charge at half price for the first three charges, the app some how recognises your...
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    New French roadsign

    For anyone wishing to visit you may see a new sign, white diamond on a blue background. Its a dedicated lane sign for public transport, car sharing and electric vehicles. It will mainly be on duel carriageways through or around towns etc, and protected by cameras. So if you are in an electric ...
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    Summers here Part 2

    For all those wishing to visit France this summer, we recently made the return journey Brive to Chambery around 960 km , 800 on the peage . Fuel costs in a large Boxer van 130 euros , toll road costs 142 euros. Beware Dick Turpin still lives. We did a pre journey route planner which estimated...
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    If Charlie Darwin is right, and who could argue with his logic, then sometime in the future will British drivers left arms and index fingers get longer in comparison to their right, to compensate for having to reach that bit further to change the parameters of their relevant infotainment...
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    Static leakage

    For once this is not about Mg4 gearbox mishaps but are EVs in general less or more likely to give you a wack of static electricity when you exit the car. Or at least we would hope its static and not some crossed wiring! How would you reduce its impact apart from letting your wife or least...
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    Stop gap chargers

    I used to work for a company that made back up diesel/gas powered generators for hospitals etc should the mains supply go down . I would like now to spend some of the massive profits the oil companies have just announced. Could they or some company produce a small highly efficient clean diesel...
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    Battery degradation?

    I,ve seen its normal to get battery degradation at a rate of around 2-3% a year. Is the time ( a year ) the major factor in this rate, or the number of recharge cycles or just general usage. For myself (MG4) NCM battery ,I estimate an annual usage of around 7500 km or 30ish recharges at 40kw...
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