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  1. tonybridge

    The MacMaster strikes again 🙄

    Is there no end to this man’s stupidity? I apologise for bringing this up, I don’t normally watch him, but something about this video caught my attention … and i wasted 15 minutes of my life watching this garbage 😡
  2. tonybridge

    Applegreen Chargers at Warwick

    Last November, returning from a family wedding in Worcester, I called in at the Warwick Services on the southbound M40 for a quick top-up for my 4LR. This was my first-ever attempt at public charging. The two (count them!) chargers that I was heading for were of course occupied. I hadn't done my...
  3. tonybridge

    Door light from AliExpress

    This seemed a good idea at the time of impulsive purchase! Does anyone have an idea of how to install/is it worth bothering with?
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