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  1. M

    Ohme offline?

    Anyone else’s charger gone offline? My Ohme 2 went offline for some reason at 4am. I can’t connect via the app. I’ve checked that there is a 4g signal near the charger, using my phone. I’ve hit reboot on the charger and it says that it can’t connect. My home wifi and broadband internet are all...
  2. M

    Why 150 kw charger?

    Silly Question - why do some motorway chargers advertise themselves as 150kw when you can’t even get close to that speed? Are there vehicles that can..?
  3. M

    Falling out of love with OVO

    The 5p per kWh EV rate tempted me in this summer when I got a new EV. I’ve since found out that the amount of energy that they think I’m using for my EV is much lower than my Ohme charger says I’m using, and therefore I am paying for much of it at the highest rate. I’ve had bad experience...
  4. M

    OVO Drive Anytime 5p KWh

    Don’t know if people are aware but OVO Drive anytime can be subscribed to and it offers you 5p per KWh anytime. Obviously the trade off is the slight price increase in the standard rate but I crunched the numbers and it worked out cheaper for me. I wanted to get a fixed rate for a year, so I...
  5. M

    Wait unit sub 20% to charge?

    Hello all. I’ve got an MG ZS EV Long Range Trophy Connect and an Ohme Pro home charger. I’m wondering what’s the best strategy to recharge? Should I wait until I’m under 20% each time or would it not hurt to consistently charge up when I’m at 40,50,60 %? I do about ten miles a day...
  6. M

    3 phase or 1 phase cable?

    Hi all. I’m waiting for delivery of an MG ZS EV Long Range Trophy Connect. I’m looking at getting the Ohme home pro charger which I believe is 7kW. My question is which cable should I buy for use out and about? I understand some chargers on the road are untethered and so I want to get some...
  7. M

    Home charger thoughts

    Hi all, first time poster here. I’ve just put down a deposit for a LR Trophy Connect and so need to start looking at home chargers. I’m considering a tethered one to save faff each time. Does anyone have any recommendations for models? It’ll be around 5m at most. Thank you.
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