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  1. JimmyTwotimes

    Home charging and preheat battery when its cold

    I've tried to make sense of some of the preheat threads on here but i'm not sure the question I have is answered, so here goes.... When scheduling an overnight charge for my car (MG4 Trophy Long Range, Octopus Intelligent Go and Zappi charger) at home and when the weather is cold (lets say for...
  2. JimmyTwotimes

    Bolt found on drivers seat!

    Morning team Got in my MG4 Trophy extended range just now, only to find this bolt on the driver's seat. There wouldn't be any obvious reason for it to have fallen out of my pockets and i'm the only one that drives the car. Just one of those worldly mysteries or could it be from somewhere on...
  3. JimmyTwotimes

    Gonna buy another MG4 Trophy - is the only difference between LR and ER the battery?

    Hey Team So i already have an MG4 Trophy Long Range (2023) but am in the market for a new car for the wife. We are happy with the current MG4 and I have no reason to buy a different EV so we will almost certainly get a second MG4. The new Extended Range Trophy is within budget, so makes sense...
  4. JimmyTwotimes

    MG4 balancing/equalisation charge

    Hey everyone Saw a vid on YouTube on battery balancing for the MG4 so wondered how important it is. I've never done it nor was I advised by the dealer to do it (had the car about 4 months from new). Did a search on here but only found info related to the ZS. So: Should I do it for my MG4...
  5. JimmyTwotimes

    Cant remove tyre inflater plug from 12v socket (cigarette lighter socket)

    Just inflated tyres as the sensor suggested they were too low. Inflated fine using normal car inflator plugged into the 12v cigarette light socket. But bizarrely now i cant pull the plug from the socket. I've given it a good yank but don't wanna try pulling much harder as it feels locked in...
  6. JimmyTwotimes

    MG4 Trophy and Tesla charging at channel tunnel

    Hello all Pretty specific question so bit of a long shot. Only had my MG4 trophy a few months so still learning. I may soon be travelling to France by channel tunnel and was hoping to charge the car at Folkestone whilst I waited to board. Having checked the website the channel tunnel...
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