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  1. gwatuk

    MG Assist / AA recovery - good news!

    I've just signed up for a MG service plan, so I thought I'd check out the included MG Assist (which is provided by AA). I looked at the AA website information and discovered this about their app: "It's OK when you've got the AA app in your pocket Report a breakdown quickly and track when your...
  2. gwatuk

    Surprisingly short battery balancing period

    I've just done the first full charge (8% to 100%) for our new car. Surprisingly the battery's balancing took only 8 minutes. Perhaps this is an indication of how beneficial a long slow charge is? (This was with a granny charger.) The other unexpected thing was that on the first drive the...
  3. gwatuk

    Missing power when charging ("losses"?)

    I'm charging my MG 4 SE SR with a granny charger. I have a Shelly EM power meter monitoring the cable that feeds the 13A socket that the charger is plugged in to. ( ) (The cable is 4mm²) I've been running a...
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