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  1. Seajays

    Maximum Charging Guide - Type 2 EV Cables

    I recently came to buy a three phase cable for my early MG4 Trophy (which can do 11kW!), and was initially confused by all the different options of cables out there, and the restrictions on speed when combined with the various AC charging points as well! So it's prompted me to create the...
  2. Seajays

    New iSmart Unbind Function

    So after lots of trying and failing, the latest 2.0.5 android version of iSmart has finally given me the option to request the unbind remotely! When it signs in the car then goes to the login screen, and I can select the bind option in the app... This is the message that comes up, so hopefully...
  3. Seajays

    My "new" MG4 Trophy LR ?

    So I picked up my "new" (one previous owned) car at the weekend - a red MG4 Trophy LR - 2023 #TeamRed - had 4,800 miles already. Really happy so far - loving the ride. Have a longer (190 mile round trip) next weekend, and wondering if it'll do the whole thing without a charge or not. We will...
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